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TRIGGER WARNING: Further written words are intended for adults (+18) and contain sexual situations and Gut-wrenching violence.

Splashing sounds of belts filled the room. The monsters groaned using their whole strength to crush her more but she was adamant to hold on. Not giving up yet, maybe there was still some hope left deep inside her heart.

To say she was now standing at the point where her body had stopped responding to any of their cruelty. She found solace in that pain now crazy you might say but it was the only thing stuck with her till now.

Session have been passed... Winter came, she was stripped naked, beaten up brutally, damaged, crushed... Summer came she was still laying on the floor naked, scars some bleeding some went dry... Autumn she was hanged by her arms fresh cigarette burns on her already scar filled skin.

Even though months after months passed their hunger and anger toward this poor soul never vanished. It's already been six months since Avantika started bearing heart wrecking punishment for freeing her friends from this hell but did, she regret it? Even a bit of it? No instead she was happy burning herself make her sisters light she will do that again and again. Even after they were gone a new set of girls were thrown into this dark world but Avantika wasn't kept with them.

They isolated her inside a chamber with insects crawling her body, she was being raped for hours without a morsel of food and drop of water. They'll cut her skin just to hear her scream but all they get was silence she took every beating clenching her jaw but didn't let a whimper leave her mouth she wanted to let these monsters know that she's not that fragile to break.

She's not a Porcelain doll which will fall and break her parts instead she is an injured eagle who might is wounded right now but soon the day will arrive when she snatches all eyes of the people who harmed her dignity.

And it didn't take too long for that day to arrive, she heard one of them telling his partner about today's event their boss had cracked one of the best deals. He was one of the business men who ran this illegal racket behind that empire of his. All the girls were taken out to provide all their business partners' services.

Avantika was the only one left behind as she was completely dirty and devastated after what they all did to her today also. She wasn't in a state to even lift her little finger but somehow, she managed to drag her body and crawled back to the corner of the room.

Not so long after the door opened, she didn't even look up knowing what's going to happen to her in the next minute. He touched her chin lifted her face dry blood at the corner of her lips, eyes empty lifeless... Soul broken "Today I'll have you all by myself darling aren't you happy?" He whispered, shuddering her completely with fear and disgust if only she could push him away.

His nails propelled into her skin when he like a dog put his sickening lips on her. Her stomach turned with disgust when that savor of alcohol stirred inside her mouth. Her clothes were thrown ripping off her body like... Today she lost count.

When he got what he wanted, after hours he stopped and rolled over beside her and a few minutes later she found him snoring loudly.

Taking a deep breath, she got up every lump of her body aching, she checked him knowing there's no way she could be out of here because of the guards standing outside the old abandoned house.

She found his phone little happiness rushing down her sore veins. The password said but thankfully to her fortune it also had a finger lock so she quickly lifted his hand and pressed his finger on the screen.

Now number? Did she even remember any of the numbers, maybe she did her parents. She quickly tried it but it said switched off. Ofcourse it's been more than 4 years now how can she expected that they'll have same number? Police? She dialed 100 again it didn't connect they had this senser over the building to unconnected helpline numbers after that incident they put it.

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