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This week was insanely hectic for me. I was busy with lectures and counseling sessions with Ashwin. All I can say is that he's improving. Letting out a relieved sigh, I flopped down on the couch, massaging my sore back muscles, which were aching like hell. Closing my eyes, I continued pressing my shoulder, enjoying how it calmed my tightened muscles, until my eyes widened at the sound of a loud, slamming noise at the door.

I gasped slightly upon seeing Anvay approaching me with full rage in his eyes. Noticing his body language, I could tell he was pissed before I could even process everything. He grabbed me roughly by one of my forearms and forced me up on my legs.

"What the hel- SHUT UP JUST STUP THE FUCK UP!! IT'S NOT EVEN A MONTH AND I'M ALREADY REGRETTING MARRYING YOU" He yelled on my face. Ofcourse I tho regret this from the beginning but again I'm helpless. His words pushed me into the lake of vexation provoking me to kill him right there and then.

"WHO WAS THE GUY YOU WERE WITH?" he growled and the moment I know he was talking about Ashwin because I was meeting him only for a while now that irked me who the fuck he's to yell and question me. He had already asked for beating, calling me names yet I'm standing silently without throwing my hands at him.

" I'm not obliged to answer you stay out of my life" I stated rather in cold voice. He scoffed before grasping my shoulder harshly "Why? Can't being honest about the men you go behind my back with huh? Aren't you satisfied caging me in this stupid unwanted marriage that now you're so adamant to fuck up my reputation too?" He hissed I so wanted to laughed at his word reputation? Really what reputation he has in public a arrogant nasty Manwh*re he is, that's it.

Yet he has so much cockiness for no reason. I held his hand, not blinking my eyes even for a second. I kept my gaze connected with his and dug my nails into his hand, yanking it away. "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Touch me!" I gritted out. He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Why don't you like me touching you, your own husband, but you love it when other men do?" He spat venomously.

"When did you become my husband? I don't remember such memory Mr Rajawat you better drop this arrogance before I show you your place " I threatened him that I do not fear this man at all.

"Now spare me mercy because I'm in no mood to have a meaningless argument with someone who's no one to me " I said rolling my eyes boringly just when I turned and was ready to leave he pulled me hardly by gripping my arm I squealed when his hard chest strike to my back. His one arm went and tightened around my waist before I proceed what just happened.

"I'm your HUSBAND DAMNIT !!" he roared animalisticly against my ear. I flinched but kept my posture fearless. "Fake husband is it that hard to understand" abruptly pushed him away and groaned throwing my hands in air this fight is so useless lord.. " Yet still I'm your husband and you have to accept that because it's the reality" he sheetred like a beast.

I'm really not up to this conversation what the hell is wrong with this man !! Is he gone mad or what? Fury rosed up inside me when I pointed my finger at him hitting his chest " Here you listen to me Mister and listen clear I won't like to repeat myself again and again. Specially you here having peanut size brain isn't helping me at all. So just to remind you again the very last time. We're just mere strangers and the least I want you to involve in my life stay fucking out of it just the way I do with your's. No one knows who's your wife they just know my name that's it and I would like to keep it that way only in this case as well as in being strangers with you too. Do not try to brag and pull these stunts on me " when I stopped my breathing was unstable by the way I burst out my anger his back hit the wall but I can't help it this man here always know how to get on my nerve and fuck up my serenity.

He provoke me in everyway to crush him. His eyes turned darker in shades I can say he was taking everything happening here as a challenge something he needs to triumph upon and I'm hell certain he's not getting that satisfaction at least not today...not when it's come to me. In a blink he pulled me by the back of my nape, I yelled in shock because of his sudden action. fice

His hot breath fell on my nose causing my skin to literally crawled back. " YOU HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! ANSWER ME !!" he shouted digging his nails in my nape. I closed my eyes shut when the paining sensation raised up there.

My own hands went to his trying my best to make him lose his grip " L-leave me you Asshole..let go" I whimpered in pain but he didn't let go instead chuckled seeing me struggling to get free." Aww my little nugget is it hurting? Baby just say you're mine you're my wife and you won't let other men touch what's mine. I'm extremely proprietorial about my things no one dare to lay an eye on them until they're under my possession" he said thunderously every shit he uttered just wicked my nerve.
In an instant I grabbed his hand yanking it and slapping his cheek with full force and then pinning him down on his knees.

He groaned wiggling to get free I tightened his hand which was not pinned, to his back. Ofcourse women should learn self-defense for these situations only. "ONE MORE WORD ON ME AND SEE WHAT WILL I DO ANVAY SINGH RAJAWAT! I'M NOT AN OBJECT WHICH YOU'LL CLAIM AS YOUR'S I'M NOT YOUR POSSESSION AND WILL NEVER BE ONE !!" he cried more from pain when I twisted his wrist. "Let me bit-" he bite back his word and I don't why I see a bit of regret in his eyes till he opened his gutter mouth again.

"You all woman are same fucking wh*res !!" He hissed in anger closing his eyes tightly as if he didn't want to say this word oh what a hypocrite. And says who the manwh*re himself I thought rolling my eyes.

"Who cares about your opinion? Did I ask if we women are all the same or not? So, shove your damn opinion up your ass, you bastard, and I'm warning you to stay the fuck away from me from now on. I hate to even see your disgusting face because you're nothing but an arrogant, toxic piece of shit who only knows how to dominate others and make them submissive under you. But I'm not one of them. I'm not naive and pathetic like your friends with benefits, so keep that in mind and maintain a good distance from me!" With that, I yanked him away and left for my room, not even sparing a glance at the useless man on the ground.
Husband, my foot.

The heat in my body made me want to slap that bastard until he was unconscious on the floor. How fucking dare he call me names when all he does is bury himself in whatever pussy he sees? So disgusting... Instead of dwelling on these thoughts, I stripped out of my dress and ran a hot bath, mixing some vetiver oil in the water before getting into the bathtub. I needed to calm the fuck down before I destroyed the entire house in a fit of rage.

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