"If you say we're not together i'm flying back to Virginia right now."

Jack's sudden outburst had me speechless.

I lazily wrapped my arms around his neck, "You never officially asked me, so I had every right to assume—"

"Fine, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, almost as if he were tired of me questioning 'our relationship.'

The biggest smile shown on my face, "Yeah, I think I will."

Hours passed and it was nearing midnight, everyone was here and we were in the midst of a game of truth or dare.

After Jack officially asked me to be his girlfriend, we decided to keep everything on the down low. Essentially, we'd be keeping our relationship a secret. Caleigh already knew about it — mainly because she guessed — but everyone would eventually be told on a need to know basis.

I really only wanted privacy.

Sometimes, if the public finds out about relationships, they ruin them.

"Caleigh!" Bailey smiled from across the circle, "Truth or dare."

"Dare!" I wasn't surprised.

Bailey thought for a moment, "Hmm, call your ex and say you want to get back together."

My eye's immediately shot to Jamie who looked visibly uncomfortable. He was seated next to Caleigh, but a few feet laid between them. The boy had called me the other night, venting about how frustrated he was about how Caleigh didn't remember the night he took her home telling me everything that had happened and how he felt about it all. I felt for the boy.

He was down bad and Caleigh had no recollection of what had happened.

The brunette scoffed, "I don't have his number anymore."

"Right!" it suddenly clicked in my mind, "She made me delete it for her about a month after they ended things,"

My eyes were still on Jamie and I watched his mood visibly lift at my confession.

"Ok, well. Since you can't do that one," Bailey paused, "I dare you to go skinny dip in the ocean."

Now Jamie's face was beet red.

It was cute.

Caleigh was quick to comply, jumping out and running toward the ocean. Bailey grabbed a towel quickly before running after the girl, wanting to be there to be of service when she came out of the water.

"In the meantime!" Trinity giggled, her eyes finding mine. "Truth or dare, Hols?"


"Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment?"

My nose scrunched, "No." It was an obvious lie for anyone who knew my tell. But that was Caleigh and she was currently naked in the ocean.

Jack had chosen to sit across the circle from me.  I had to fight the frown on my lips when I saw him shift in his spot, he probably hated my quick denial, but knew it was necessary if we were going to keep things quiet.

Heavy breathing sounded from the doorway. Bailey was panting and Caleigh was currently towel drying her hair — and fully clothed — as they both returned. "Who wants to swim in the ocean at midnight?"

We all looked around the room, simultaneously and quietly agreeing before running off to our rooms to put our bathing suits on. Less than 5 minutes later — and 6 minutes til midnight — and we were all rushing out the patio door in swimsuits and carrying towels.

It took no time to get down to the water, everyone discarding their towels in a spot where they wouldn't prematurely get wet, before sprinting into the water. No one got too deep, seeing as it was midnight and we didn't know what sea life was close to shore at the moment.

"It's freezing!" Trinity laughed.

Brit pulled her into a hug, "This was probably one of our more stupid decisions." His laughter was loud too.

Conversations flowed through the group as we all enjoyed our time in the ocean. The moon was only barely lighting the water up. You could make out figures in the water, but no facial expressions unless the person was literally right up on you.

"10 seconds to midnight!" Bailey squealed out of excitement, I guess she had her watch on still.

Bailey and Trinity excitedly yelled out the countdown, cheering loudly as they yelled out "Happy New Year!" when the countdown ran out.

I breathed in sharply when lips met my own. The familiar taste of Jack's lips helped me calm, my hands holding his face as he kissed me with more passion than ever before.

"Happy New Year, H." he mumbled, pulling away and resting his forehead on mine.

"Happy New Year, J."

I began to look around, stepping just slightly away from Jack because Britain had turned around to come over to us. But before my brother  reached us, my jaw dropped at the sight I was seeing.

Jamie and Caleigh were kissing. "Oh my god."

My fingers found Jack's chin, turning his face toward the two. Britain even turned to look as he hugged me.

"It's a miracle." Jack laughed in disbelief.

20 or so minutes later and we were all in our beds attempting to fall asleep.

I cuddled up beside Caleigh, excited to find out more about her midnight kiss. "So, I saw you kissing someone at midnight."

Even though there was barely any light in the room, I could see the faint tint of red on the girl's tanned cheeks. "Apparently he wanted to kiss me the night he took me home... told me he didn't because it was too soon and I was wasted. Then when he got here today he took me aside and told me he was gonna kiss me at midnight and I was legitmately freaking out until it happened."

Oh my Jamie had gotten bold.

I didn't want to tell Caleigh I already knew about what happened the night he took her home, but boy was I excited to see where everything went for the two of them.

I can only imagine going back and telling November Caleigh that she kissed Jamie at midnight on New Year's. I'm pretty sure she'd tell me I was lying and then pass out.

"And now you're on cloud 9?"

a cutesy chapter for you guys!

anything in particular you want
to see happen now? there's gonna
be a lake tahoe trip in january
so you can comment things you
want to see on the trip too!!


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