
"I don't want to know you anymore!" I screeched. "You're fucking me too hard." I cried out trying to hold onto the pillows, but unfortunately, my satisfaction couldn't be carried out when he arched me back by my hair.

I was defenseless in his hands, I was worthless and whenever I begged for a breath it seemed like I never had a voice to speak but only a voice to scream. I was fainting.

"Are you sure?" he bit my shoulder and I immediately gave my permit by nodding. "But you're taking me so well for a third round." I can't anymore. I can't handle any other round.

"I can't!" I squeezed my eyes feeling a spot of climax build in my abdomen. "I feel like exploding...please." I scratched the hand around my throat. I was panting and gasping for air while riding my third orgasm.

"Good girl." he pulled out and placed a kiss that mostly felt like a snake bite on my shoulder before loosening his grip around my throat and allowing me to fall between the pillows again. "Any differences?" he asked and I was frustrated to shake my head again.

"No..." I inhaled and exhaled heavy breaths. "I don't remember you..." I whined at his touch again. I was rolled over to confront him this time. New position, New round. New orgasm. "Why is it so important to remember you?" I shuddered feeling my sensitivity take over me.

"Because I want to possess you." he rubbed his tip faster on my clit. He groaned seeing my puffy eyes squeeze shut again. He groaned thrusting in me as a round four, he groaned at the fact he would have to keep on going the entire night. The alcohol I had wouldn't bring a sight of my remembering. How much more am I able to take? How many more rounds?

I feel like passing out.

"I'm not a toy." I bit back while widening my legs for him.

"You're not, no." he trailed his hand back to my throat as a warning. "But you're my good whore, aren't you?" I bit my lips trying to hold onto his arm and nod. I nod so much.

My fourth mission is climaxing.


"Where are you going?" He asked. I slowly twirled around with disbelief filling my chest.
I thought I was able to take my heels and just run off, but it seemed like he was ready for a discussion and maybe even an argument.

"Home." I bravely answered. I knew no matter how strong I was, my body still felt anxious to talk with him. I felt hot and my hands were tightly clasping onto my heels. I can't deal with a man like him. He's so damn stubborn.

"Sit." he puffed smoke out as he took a sip of his mug. At that time he was dressed up and as ready as I was about to head out and leave. "We have to talk about things." a huge sigh left my lips as I walked over to the dining table.

"I'm all ears." I narrowly taunted while scanning his straight face gaze off into me.

"How much?" He asked as my eyebrows arched. "How much do you want in exchange for me to fuck you?" My mouth fell open. But we already did..? How much more does he want from me? "I'm suggesting you to be my whore." He went on. "You have all my permission to set the price you need, I will pay you monthly like it's your full-time job." full-time job as what?

As a prostitute?

"Furthermore lingerie, condoms, sex toys, or even pricey clothes you dream of wearing, everything is going to be under my credit as long as you do what I need." my mind can't take any more information or his proposals. I can't process it.

"Why me though?" I asked. Why me of all people? What was there in me that attracted him so much? "You can get any woman you want with these kinds of offers...so why me?"

"You know what you're doing." he mashed the cigarette in the ashtray calmly. "You know how to use your hands, you know what to do with your mouth. You are well-knowledge, and I desire a woman with a maturity like you." I stayed quiet.

I had no response to any of these requests. I didn't know if it was just about the life I was supposed to conclude for myself, or if it was just because I wasn't ready to be regulated and manipulated by a man ever again.

I just got exempted from hell living relationship, and honestly, the only good and different thing about this guy is he wasn't asking for anything more than just sex. He didn't mention sharing me, he didn't mention me to do that and this other than just being there for his needs.

But still. I didn't feel ready for season two.
I don't want to sacrifice my life again for money and man's pleasure.

"Viviana, You know how to play my games..." his eyes fell delicate but yet in the most lascivious way. "And I'll pay anything just to fuck you over and over again." a sigh left my lips as I notice his hand sneak up into his suit jacket to merely pull out a white envelope with my name on it.

"What is it?" I watched him push it in my direction. His stares were full of emptiness until I decided to take it and check it out myself.

"Yesterday was good." he simply replied. "Five hundred bucks have to be good enough for a night like that. And if you're not satisfied, just put the price you demand." I'm getting tired of this.

I looked plainly through the envelope, how can a person be so pathetic? What was he? A bank machine? How can he be this wealthy and still down to challenge me with more money?

"Actually." I folded it and placed it back on the table. "I would like to place a bet on these." a smudged smile curled on his lips. That wasn't what he was expecting to hear from me, but unfortunately, he did, and he was ready for it.

His smile was like a sinner, he loved games if that's what he actually desired to do with me and that smile? It seemed to be an immense contest he would have to challenge me.

"I'm assuming you're proposing this request because you're hard and want someone to suck it off for you, am I right?" money is always humans' first choice. Who will refuse to get their money back? "I bet this money on that. You're just asking because you want me to stay for another round when I exactly told you I was drunk last night and didn't even-"

"Technically," he smiled for cutting me off. "Yeah, I am hard, and genuinely, I've been hard the entire time talking to you, so yes sadly you are right on that, but," he heavily breathed and my body shook watching him slam another two hundred bucks on the ones I was just planning on playing with. "You won." he smiled harder.

"That's bullshit." I whacked the money off with a big frown, but instead, I was held back harsher by my wrist with darkness and hunger sinking in his thirsty eyes.

"I won too." he continued. "You won about me being hard, but I still won to our discussion. It's still not over, I still want to fuck you, and not just for now, tomorrow, the after, and after." a big glare lightened up on my face trying to understand what type of person he was. "So how about you take the money you won and give me a head for winning half of your bet?"

"I don't go on with a game and a player I didn't intend to challenge in the first place." I yanked my wrist away from his grasp. "Yesterday was not meant to happen, so I'd like you to keep your money and search for someone else who can please you. I refuse your request." I walked off.

A TOUCH OF DARKNESS Where stories live. Discover now