"What are vampire rules?" Emmett asked as he stopped due to his confusion.

"It doesn't matter; I prefer human rules. If I were to go vampire rules, I would just cheat and kill them immediately." Serafina said, shaking her head.

"No, come on. I want to know. Just tell me," he said thoughtfully.

"It's more of a no holds barred type of fight. They rip limbs off, throw each other, bite, or use abilities. Things like that," Serafina explained.

"That sounds barbaric," Rosalie said, obviously unhappy.

"That sounds fun! Can our bodies withstand that kind of beating?" Emmett asked excitement building again.

"If you were to pull off a limb, it'd hurt for a bit, but as long as you put it back where it should be quick enough, it'd reattach itself. Throwing is more of a defensive move. It can disorient your enemy and give you the distance you need to prepare for your next move. Biting hurts like a motherfucker, especially since they tend to bite chunks off. But it's mostly the venom that causes an immense amount of pain. It even leaves scars. Abilities are just the icing on the cake if you have them. They can be defensive, offensive, or supportive." Serafina explained as soon as she saw Emmett's curiosity.

"Have you had these things happen to you?" Rosalie asked with worry. Her eyes trailed Serafina's figure as though looking for wounds.

"No, sweetheart, don't worry, it's never happened to me. I have an ability; I usually killed the others before they got close. But I did go out with the Volturi several times to take care of trouble. I saw how they fight. Much of it looked very painful, so I carefully ensured I didn't get mixed up in that type of fighting." Serafina told her. She then got a mischievous grin, "I can show you later if you like. Prove there are no scars." She winked.

Rosalie's breath hitched as she froze and looked at Serafina's grin. She was so happy she could no longer blush. But she was still embarrassed. She feigned anger, pushing Serafina away. But Serafina knew the truth, she knew she embarrassed her, and only laughed while allowing herself to be pushed away.

"Hey hey hey, enough flirting! Vampire fighting sounds brutal. I want to try. But I think Rosie would kill me if I did. So, we'll stick with human fighting," Emmett interjected. Both women became embarrassed, but Serafina decided to give it a shot. She nodded at Emmett in agreement, but Rosalie gave her a look of worry, shaking her head as in no.

"I don't like this. I don't think you two should do it. Emmett is freakishly strong! Carlisle says newborns are the strongest vampires, but he thinks Emmett's strength is equal to theirs." Rosalie said, shaking her head even more emphatically.

"He does!" Emmett stated proudly. Then he looked at Serafina, "he thinks that everyone gets enhanced with the change into a vamp. Some get abilities. But others get regular stuff enhanced too. He thinks his tolerance or restraint was enhanced, which is why he has such a high tolerance for the presence of blood. He thinks Esme's compassion was enhanced. My strength. Rosalie's beauty. Different things like that. Pretty neat, huh?"

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