Bonfire[Part 1]

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After dinner, I decided to ask my question later about Lay and Kai. I head back up to my room and decide to go through my instagram.

abbielixn started following you.

Oh, new follower. Yay. I scroll through my feed and like pictures here and there.

I turn off my phone and just lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. What am I going to do with Kai and Lay situation? I'm torn between the two. I decide to go down to our practice room to get my mind of things by dancing. On my way down, Taeyeon calls out to me.

"Hyoyeon!" She yells.

"What?" I yell back.

"We're inviting EXO over for like a bonfire in our backyard!" She yells.

Wait, what? I walk over to where she is.

"What?" I ask.

"EXO is coming over for a bonfire," she replies.

"Are you and Baek ok then?" I ask.

"Well... it's nothing, he'll get over it," she smiles. But her smile is weak and plastic.

"Tae... what's the real reason behind this?" I suspect her. She hangs her head in defeat.

"I want to talk to Baekhyun about this and make up. But I don't want to do it alone," she sighs.

"It's alright, Taeyeon. You know we're all here for you," I comfort her.

"Yeah," she trails off.

"Anyways, it's at 6 tommorow, ok? Be ready by then," she says before walking away.

I head downstairs to where are dance studio is and start dancing. I finish my dancing and head back upstairs. I take a short shower, then go to sleep. The next day I woke up and change into a white muscle tee with a galaxy mustache and a pair of black shorts. I left my hair down and applied a little bit of makeup. Just the usual. All done!

I head downstairs and watch t.v. with Yoona and Sooyoung until EXO comes. Of course, we eat and stuff, but we just mostly watches t.v. We're in the middle of watching Crime Scene 2 when the doorbell. I look over to Sooyoung and Yoona and give them my I'm-too-lazy-go-get-the-door face. Sooyoung just rolls her eyes and she goes to get the door. I go with Yoona to tell the others EXO is here.

We all leave to go to our gigantic backyard and SeYoon and SeoHan starts setting up the bonfire part. KrisSica and ChanSoo starts setting up the barbeque. Then XiuSun and YulTao go to set up the movie that we will project on the side of out dorm, while we sit on the grass. SuFany, Chen, and D.O went to go prepare the snacks and drinks. That left BaekYeon and Lay, Kai, and me. We get stuff ready for making s'mores and the bonfire.

I stay near Lay as we get marshmellows. We talk and laugh, but out of the corner of my eye, I can see Kai staring at us. Does he care? Probably not, he has his own girlfriend to worry about. I grab some more marshmellows and head back to the backyard with Lay, laughing all the way back.

"I'm telling you, he stuck marshmellow in my hair and my mom had to cut it out," he laughs.

"Wow, that's some friend you have there," I laugh, shaking my head.

"I know, like the best one ever," he said sarcastically.

We laugh as we set the marshmellows down by the bonfire.

"Wow, good job, SeYoon and SeoHan," I say as I stare at the fire burning with the little sparks disapearing into the air.

"It was easy," Yoona boasted. I just roll my eyes as I go back to talking to Lay. We layed down in the grass and stared at the sky and talked.

"So... is Kai here by himself?" I ask.

"Well, Suzy should be coming later," he replies.

"Oh, well good then," I smile.

"Why is that good?" He turns on his side to looks at me.

"Because that way he won't bother me and I can spend more time with you," I smile, turning on my side to look at him too.

He smiles. "Well, I was already planning on that," he says, showing off his dimple.

"Good," I laugh, laying back down. I look at the sky.

"Wanna take a selfie?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes, but in a playful way.

"Sure," he says.

We do a pose where we put our hands together to make a heart with our faces in the middle. In the caption I put, "Bonfire party with EXO 2nite!!! Keke XD"

"Hey HyoLay!" A voice calls us. It's Taeyeon.

"What?" I ask.

"Bonfire is starting," she says, walking over to the firepit. I notice Kai again staring at us. He has a confused look on his face that I can't quite decipher. Oh well, s'more time!

"C'mon, Yixing, I'm hungry for s'mores," I say excitedly. He seems a bit suprised that I used his real name, but he soon gets over it and we walk over to the bonfire, holding hands. Yes, I know we were holding hands, but this time I didn't mind.

Hey guys! I think this is longer, so I guess its to make up for all the delays. Hold on there, HyoKai fans. Story isn't over yet ;). Anyways, this is about 900 words, so its much more longer than my usual chapters, since they're about 500 words. Well, I have nothing else to say. Got an instagram- @abbielixn. That's it, BYE!!! :3 luv ya guys.

dance queen meets dance king (SLOWLY REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now