I Need To Talk Some Sense Into Him

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Taeyeon's POV

I felt really bad for Hyoyeon. Even though we were right about her feelings for Kai, I still feel bad for the situation that she's in. Its all Kai's fault. Maybe I should go talk some sense into that boy..

I get up and grab my keys.

"Where are you going, Tae?" Yuri asks.

"To go talk some sense into Kai," I reply casually.

"Ooh, I'll come," she replies.

"So will I," Sunny chimes.

"I'll come," Tiffany shurgs.

"Eh, what the heck. I'll come," Jessica says.

"Me too!" Seohyun yells from upstairs.

"Ok, so everyone except for Hyo," I count. We all head to our van and I drive to EXO's dorm. We get out and I ring the doorbell. Luhan comes and opens the door.

"Um, hi?" He says, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"I need to talk to Kai, and I think the rest just wanna see their crushes," I explain. I can tell that they're blushing and glaring at me.

"Oh, ok. Come in then," he says moving aside so that we can come in. He leads us to the living room, where most of the members are. The other members look up at us.

"What are they doing here?" Chen asks.

Luhan shrugs. "Taeyeon need to talk to Kai and the rest, I dunno," he replies, sitting on the ground.

"Hey Taengoo," Baekhyun nods. I smile.

"Hey Bacon," I reply casually. We all section off into our couples; KrisSica(I think they're finally warming up to each other), SuFany, TaRi/YulTao, SeoHan, SuMin/ XiuNy and of course, BaekYeon.

"What do you wanna talk to Kai about?" Baekhyun asks.

"Why he has a girlfriend and it isn't Hyo," I reply bluntly. He chuckles.

"What so funny?" I ask.

"Maybe you should be a little less blunt about something kinda big," he suggests. I roll my eyes.

"I'm doing this for Hyoyeon. She's heart-broken. Like how Sunny was when-" I catch myself. "Yunno," I mumble. He hugs me and lays his chin on my head.

"I do," he says soothingly.

"I'm gonna need some backup," I sigh as he lifts his head from my head. I look around the room. Hmm, who would be good for this job?

"Yo, XiuSun!" I yell at the XiuNy couple. They're startle by the name, but they still turn to look at me.

"Uh, yeah?" Sunny says, obviously blushing.

"I need backup with the whole Kai thing. Can you help?" I ask her. She nods and gets off Xiumin's lap.

Yes, she was sitting in his lap. Basically all of the SNSD members were sitting in the EXO member's lap. Except for KrisSica. They look like they're fighting with each other. She and Xiumin both get up and follow Baekhyun and me downstairs, where their practice room is. He opened the door to find Lay and Kai practicing some dance moves for something.

"Hey Kai," Baekhyun calls out. Kai and Lay turn around to see us standing there.

"Uh, hey?" He replies.

"They need to talk to you," Baekhyun explains.

"Oh, ok. I guess take 5 then?" He turns to Lay and he nods. He walks over to us and we walk back upstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Baekkie? This is kinda personal with Hyoyeon and Kai so can you and Xiumin, um, leave for a sec?" I bite my lip.

"Yeah sure Tae. Just call if you need anything," he replies, walking out of the kitchen with Xiumin in tow.

"Ok Kai. What the crap?" I turn to him.

"What?" He shurgs.

"How can you go out with Suzy?! Freaking Suzy!" I exclaim.

"What do you mean?" He has a confused look on his face. I mentally facepalm.

"How can you choose Suzy over Hyo?" I ask, bewildered.

"Um, Hyoyeon doesn't like me like that," he says.

"Really? Why do think she's been avoiding you? You freaking got a girlfriend and she isn't it!" I shriek.

"I have a right to make my own decisions! You may be my noona, but that doesn't mean I can't choose who I want to date!" He yells back.

"Hyoyeon is freaking depressed because of you! She's staying strong for our sakes, but inside, she's dying!" I yell angrily. His face softens when he hears my word.

"And do wanna know why she's dying? Cause when she realized she liked a little someone, he already had a girlfriend," I glare at him.

"I, uh, I-" he stutters.

"You what? You didn't mean to break her heart? Well it's too late now, Kai. You had your chance but you blew it. You. Freaking. Blew. It," I say. Sunny just stood there seeing the whole conversation blow up.

"Where is she?" He finally asks.

"At our dorm, but don't even think of coming over if you wanna live. As her unnie, I can tell she doesn't want to see you," I huff. I turn on my heel and walk out of the kitchen, with Sunny in tow.

"Hey girls, say goodbye to your boyfriends and let's go. Hyoyeon is probably raging mad at us by now," I yell over the chatter, causing everyone to quiet down. They do as I say and walk with me out the door.

"How did the conversation go? Did he get it?" Tiffany asks as we load the van.

"I hope he did. I was practically screaming at him," I mutter.

"Aish, our Hyoyeon fell for such a jerk," Jessica tsks, shaking her head.

"Agreed," I mumble as I start the car. Then I drive us home.

Wow, over 700 reads! Daebak! Thanks to all those who support my story! Plz vote and don't be afraid to comment (nice things tho!) That's all for today! Bye!

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