forty eight- nova

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Jason grabbed my arm as I was leaving the bar to get some fresh air

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Jason grabbed my arm as I was leaving the bar to get some fresh air. 

I didn't know what to think of Carter telling me my outfit was too tight. 

This entire time I've known Carter he has never acted like I'm some clueless girl who can't make decisions for myself. 

He's always let me say what I want to say. 

Stand up for myself. 

Shut people down by myself. 

Wear what I want. 

Be who I am, who I really am, and never changed that. 

Then he has the nerve to almost slut shame me. 

Fuck Carter Grant. 

"Where you going beautiful?" Jason said and I shrugged my shoulders. 

In the span of two seconds the music got louder and Jason's hands were resting on my waist. 

I was so mad at Carter and everything that happened in the last week of my life, I moved Jason's hands to my ass and we started dancing. 

A minute later, maybe even less, I'm flung over the shoulder of Carter Grant. 

I don't understand where men get their sense of entitlement from. 

"Nothing. What the fuck is wrong with you?" He throws his arms about. 

"Get your arms out of my face Grant." I push myself off the car and slide down. 

Carter starts moving towards me. I don't even attempt to move. 

I'm breathing heavy and I can see Carter's chest in that stupid Captain America costume rising and falling fastly. 

To make matters worse, he looks good as Captain America. Better than Chris Evans. I don't 

There's probably inches between us. 

"There's nothing wrong with me Grant." I fold my arms and say sternly to him. 

"No there is, you just had your ass against Jason Dean's dick, so there's clearly some kinda drug you're on right now." My teeth dig into the inside of my mouth and I can feel the anger radiating off me. 

"Grant you just threw me over your shoulder like I'm some fucking Barbie and stormed out like a six year old child." 

"You think I fucking care?" 

I start laughing and nod. "I don't know if you even realised but you had my ass in the air in front of crowds of boys, did you just not hear all of them whistling." 

I can see the tightness in his jaw. He's curling his fists by his side and looking over my head to all the random freshman boys standing outside Jordan's. 

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at him and attempt to walk away so I can go back inside, maybe even enjoy the rest of my night. I've barely even talked to my friends. 

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