forty four- nova

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He's staring at me with a blank face

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He's staring at me with a blank face. There's no actual emotion in his eyes right now. I thought maybe he'd look at me with some sadness, or anger, or anything, but his eyes look lifeless. 

It's my last day at the guy's place today, and Carter hasn't properly spoke to me since we drove home in silence. 

Acting like the victim probably isn't appropriate to do right now, mainly because it is my own fault I lied to Carter. 

"Nov, I can't believe you're leaving us!" Theo envelops me into a massive hug and I giggle at his over the top reaction. 

We're all standing at the bottom of the stairs in the penthouse and I have the suitcase I brought to the guy's place the night my apartment got destroyed, in my left hand. 

"I'm going to a place fifteen minutes away, you'll be fine." I pat his back and press a completely friendly kiss to his cheek. 

"No lo haremos."

No we won't. 

"Sí que lo harás Teo." I tell him and let go of my suitcase he joins my hug with Theo. 

Yes you will Teo.

"Cállate. ¿Puedes creer a este tipo? Te vas y él actúa indiferente." Teo kisses his teeth and turns back to look at Carter. 

Shut up. Can you believe this guy? You leave and he's acting indifferent.

"No es por defenderle automáticamente, pero mentí."

Not to automatically defend him, but I did lie. 

"Es uno de mis mejores amigos, pero él y yo sabemos que está prolongando su ira."

He's one of my best friends, but him and I know he is prolonging his anger. 

"Quit it with the Spanish." Carter snaps. "I know when you are talking about me."

"Not everything is about you." I'm lying. All of a sudden it seems like my entire life is about Carter Grant right now. 

"Yeah okay, bye, good luck in life." Carter waves at me like I'm some stranger and it takes all the courage in me to not tear up. 

I don't know why loving someone makes every other emotion you feel stronger. 

When Carter makes me happy, I feel goddamn invincible. Avengers type of invincible. 

When Carter hurts me I feel like I've been hit by a truck. 

I wouldn't really describe how I feel about Carter as a feeling, I don't think love is plain and simply just something a person feels. 

A feeling according to a dictionary is described as a state. 

States makes me think of high school science, and all I specifically remember is that most states could change. 

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