forty- nova

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I don't have it in me to tell them

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I don't have it in me to tell them.

It probably makes me a bad person but I can't.

I did it.

I bought the apartment that's ages away from here.

This morning I spoke to my mom and dad, they both agreed living on my own was probably best.

Not because they don't trust the guys or anything, but I think they just want me to be independent, more independent.

Plus, it's sort of nicer than my old apartment.

There's two bedrooms, a massive bathroom, a kitchen (which I hopefully won't burn down) and I would live on the first floor, thank god.

No-one but Rie knows though.

I might tell everyone once they come back from practice. But I'm at Jord's right now.

Levi didn't cancel my shift again.

I lied.

I can't tell them today.


I grab a cloth and wipe down the bar top surface.

"Hey beauty queen." Southern accent.

Overly expensive cologne that smells gross.

Don't judge a person before you know them.

But I'm sensing I'm about to engage with a major dick.

"Would you like a drink?" Fake smiling feels like a talent right now.

"Sure thing, would you like a kiss?" What a shock. Major dick.

"I'm good to be honest. Water?" He looks taken aback.

"Think you're funny don't you?" I do.

If you don't think of yourself as funny, great self awareness, but come on. Lie to yourself.

Imagine yourself as the next Kevin Hart.

Or some other comedian.

I just realised I don't actually know that many comedians. Might have to do some research when I get home.

To the guys' place I mean.

Not my home.


"I amaze myself every time." I wipe my hands against my apron and put the cloth back where I found it.

"Whiskey on the rocks." On the rocks. He looks like he'd say that.

He doesn't look like he can take a hint so easily though. I have a feeling this is not the end of 'beauty queen'.

I think pick-up lines are getting progressively worse.

"Mhm." Jord's is empty-ish at the moment.

No drunken business men hitting on me.

Just random Grange students drinking instead of studying.

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