eleven- carter

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I can't fucking believe I have to live with Nova Chetti

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I can't fucking believe I have to live with Nova Chetti.

She's lived with us for one whole day and she's already a pain in my ass.

Who the fuck plays Taylor Swift at night because they can't sleep comfortably? Nova fucking Chetti, that's who.

I said I love skirts on girls, but shorts might be my new thing. Unfortunately shorts are all Nova Chetti seems to own that isn't burnt to a crisp. Shorts that are a few sizes too small.

Every time I see her my dick twitches at the sight of her and it's a mindfuck. How can a girl be so whatever she is?

The first night she stayed here she tried to get shitfaced drunk. I felt fucking bad for her. Despite her intense dislike for me, I don't mind her that much, maybe, I felt bad.

I felt bad enough to whack the beer out of her hand.

I felt bad enough for her that I followed her down to the kitchen to make sure she was alright.

I'm never admitting that though.

She can think I was just there to grab a protein shake or some shit. She's a pain in my fucking ass.

Making me give a shit about how a girl feels that isn't my friend or my sister, bullshit.

The entirety of yesterday, apart from when she worked for a bit, she was with Rie. Rie in her room blasting Taylor Swift and acting like teenage girls.

I swear they must have been playing kiss, marry, kill or some shit like that. They were laughing like fucking hyenas. Nova Chetti is not that funny.

Rie is a pretty good friend though, I must admit. She must have gone on some full out sorority shopping spree because she showed up to our place with bags full of clothes. Bags as in plural. Plural as in she needed help bringing them up.

The guys said I was being insensitive when I made a set of rules for Nova to abide by when she stays here. I think I was being practical, but they wouldn't get it.

Levi is Levi.

Theo is barely smart.

Mate is basically a slightly nicer male version of Nova. 

The guys are too busy letting Nova completely fuck with their minds than realising I'm in the right here.

I don't want to walk out of my room and hear Nova Chetti moaning some random guy's name.

I'd fucking hate how much I hate it.

She's not allowed in my room, because she wouldn't let me in her apartment before it burnt to a crisp.

She can't talk to my hook ups because she always makes them insecure without realising and turns on their crazy.

The rest of my rules. I have forgotten.

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