forty seven- carter

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My aim for tonight is getting so drunk that I forget about Nova Chetti. Maybe I'll even meet a girl, a girl that doesn't remind me of her in the slightest, that makes me happy and I don't know maybe we'll just kiss. 

Mainly because I don't want to fuck anyone that isn't Nov. I can't even stomach the thought. 

Nova Chetti changed me and now she's just walked out of my life. 

Or I walked out of hers because of pride. 

You know my dad said that to me once. He was drunk, mom had left and Siena was the only thing holding my family together. 

I think I remember some shit like Seinfeld being on the television and a beer bottle in his hand. 

I was eight. 

Carter that big fat amount of pride in us Grant men will get the best of you. It always does. 

I didn't think much of what he said, because he was drunk and as shitty as I may sound, I don't value my dad's opinion in the slightest. But, he was fucking right and currently I resent him for it. 

I don't know how I was coerced into wearing this shit. The guys said we had to go as the Avengers, and I'm Captain America. 

It makes sense Theo got Spiderman, can't picture anyone as Peter Parker. 

Teo gave himself Thor. 


I don't even know if I have to say this. 

Levi is Tony Stark. 

Nate said he'd be good with Hawkeye. 

My costume is way too tight. 

You can see everything. I mean everything. I'm better off just wearing my boxers. 

Theo said his costume's the same, but I have a feeling Theo cares way less about random girls seeing the outline of his dick. Theo isn't opposed to having sex with random girls. 

I am. 

I check myself out one more time before I leave my room, the massive shield that came with the costume is on my back, and I have to admit I look damn good. 

My man Chris Evans would agree with me. I don't look better than him, but I'm not too fragile to say Chris Evans is one good looking guy. 

Jord's Bash started an hour ago, but due to unforeseen circumstances- Lev asking Rie when she was showing up- our timing to arrive mysteriously changed. 

Lev worships the ground Rie works on and it's hilarious. I don't know how he hasn't said anything about it by now. 

He constantly just manipulates things so he can be around her. 

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