thirty nine- carter

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I think Nov's with Rie right now

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I think Nov's with Rie right now.

I don't know if it's the right thing to do.

Give her space, or go and talk to her?

She said she'd be back in a minute and now it's been ten.

There was a point in time where I wouldn't care about what's going on right now.

Zero care.

But now, all I can do is care.

I drum my fingers against the table and every ten seconds I look at the kitchen door where I saw her disappear.

Five minutes.

Five whole minutes I haven't seen her.

I understand why Nov doesn't want to come to the game, it's more than fair enough, I would tell her that if I went into the kitchen.

Is it right of me to go in there?

Is it even my place to check on her?

Nov helped you out in Boston.

She did.

"I'll be back." My friends were clearly expecting me to say that because they all just nod knowingly.

I don't think I'm even allowed in the kitchen.

No that's stupid.

Obviously some guy who doesn't work at Rizz isn't allowed in the kitchen. But I guess I just have to risk it.

I don't mind risking stuff for Nov.

"Nov?" Once I push open the doors I'm hit with the smell of oil. Gross.

There's a soft hint of blueberry pie which is more enjoyable for me.

"Grant." Nova comes from behind me and I see Rie a couple of feet behind her.

She mouths something to me like, 'look after her'.

I like Rie.

A lot.

I like how she's good for Nov.

I know my opinion on who is good for Nov would mean jackshit to her but I really think Rie is great.

"You don't have to come to our game you know." I don't think I'm great at this comforting thing.

It's hard to comfort people when you get awkward about feelings and stuff.

"It's fine Grant I exaggerated a bit." I don't think there's anything wrong with the way she reacted.

If I found out Ella was to be in the stands of one of our games I think I'd walk off the field.

Not because I'm scared to face her.

I just don't need to.

Why waste any more of my life thinking about the chick?

The entire game I'd be thinking 'where is she?', 'what is she doing here?' just a whole lot of stuff I don't need to think about.

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