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Your apartment was on fire ma'am

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Your apartment was on fire ma'am.

On fire?

Yes, your neighbour smelt something and called us, but practically everything is burnt. I'm sorry ma'am.

Fuc-Yes, thank you. What's not burnt?

Some of the things in your room. Only room that isn't completely torched ma'am.

That's lucky, I guess. Thank you. C-can I come and pick up my stuff?

Yes ma'am that would be a good idea. By any chance were you cooking pasta today?

Pasta? Y-yeah, why? Fu- I left the pot on the fire didn't I?

It seems that would be the case ma'am.

Fuck. Sorry. No- thank you.

I've been replaying that conversation in my mind for the last hour.

My eyes are bloodshot and my friends have tried comforting me to the best of their ability. I'm just pretending to be as fine with this as I can. My apartment is my safe space. Was. Now I'm basically homeless.

Levi said I could stay with the guys as long as I want to, and I appreciate it, I really do, but I don't like to feel unwanted or like a bother. I'll live with them for a month tops.

My insurance won't cover the costs completely. It is pretty much my fault. I forgot to turn the fire off.

I'm not loaded and I refuse to bother my parents so I'm stuck with the guys for now. I can't just buy a new place.

I can't stay with Rie seeing as she lives in a sorority. I can't stay with Stoke, Noah and Zack, their spare room probably has STD's harvesting in it, and I'm not as close with them. Romi and Nate, don't have a spare room. Lucas and Abbie, have a spare room which is now an office thing.

The rest of the team live in places with no room or at Grange.

I also have no other friends. It's hard to make friends when they constantly leave, fuck Carter Grant and ruin any form of trust you have.

Yeah, that crap affects you.

I just left my apartment. The only things I have are;

My laptop which happened to be in its case at the far corner of my room.

My two copies of Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone books, new and old.

A bottle of perfume.

One pair of sneakers.

A teddy bear.

A framed picture of my parents and I.

Last but not least, my clothes that were packed in a suitcase. They were packed in a suitcase because I don't like them.

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