CHAPTER 44; a chance for normalcy

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"It's a tragic day in the formula one world as two time world champion Max Verstappen along with his wife Arya Verstappen and their new born son were found dead in their Monte Carlo home last week. Alongside Max's father Jos Verstappen. Police are reporting it as a vicious home invasion likely by crazed fans. It appears the family was enjoying some quality time together when several fans located the home and - "

"Quality time my ass," Max says turning the news report on the TV off.
"Language." You scold Max as Liam feeds off of your breast.
"Sorry." Max says setting the TV remote down. "But it's not like he'll remember."
"I hope not." You say gently caressing Liam's face with your finger. "It's going to be tough enough to explain our funerals to him."
Max nods sighing looking down at his watch, "speaking of, everyone should be back soon."
"Right, to celebrate our lives as they were." You say lifting Liam up to burp him as he finishes feeding.
"No Princess, to celebrate the life that's still to come." Max says leaning down placing a kiss onto the top of your head caressing Liam's head with his hand.

"G'day dead people!" Daniel says throwing the front door to his Australian outback home open. A big wide smile on his face contrasting to his all black attire. Followed by the familiar faces of Carlos, Lando, George, Pierre, Mick, Lewis, Alex, Charles and Charlotte who looks like she's actually been crying.
"Welcome to hell," Max says welcoming everyone and you scold Max again for his language. Standing up off the kitchen stool you hug everyone passing Liam off as he makes his way around everyone's arms.
"Char are you okay? You look like you've been crying." You say hugging her tightly.
"Of course I have. I just went to your funeral." She says squeezing you tight.
"You knew we weren't dead though." You say and Charlotte sniffles.
"I know. It just felt real." She says and you rub her back soothingly.
"That's kind of the point." Carlos says overhearing and the two of you break apart. "I mean if it wasn't convincing then the threat would still be out there."
"I'm just sad I don't have the chance to beat you again Max," Charles says and Max looks over at you, Liam back in your arms smiling and laughing away.
"Worth it."

And so they celebrated the death of Max Verstappen, Arya Verstappen and Liam Joseph Walker Verstappen. Remembering all of the good times shared. Laughing, drinking, eating good food. Living.

At the stroke of midnight champagne was popped, and the celebration of new life occurred. The new lives of Mark Verotos, his loving wife Alexandra Verotos and their son Lucas Joseph Walker Verotos. A family who moved to the Australian outback in the middle of nowhere to get away big city life and the troubles that come along with it.

This was it. After all they've been been through. All the pain and suffering. This was finally their chance for normalcy.


A/N - hi lovelies, not going to lie, I completed writing this novel months ago but had such a hard time being happy the ending. For this story I always envisioned Max and Arya dying together. I wrote the scene and it just didn't feel right. It didn't feel complete. While I'm still not completely satisfied with this ending, I'm happier with it. Who knows I might write more on this story later on, but for now it's complete.

So excited to see what you think of it and for the next works I have coming out!

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