CHAPTER 19; sasha

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You wake up a few hours later, the smell of pizza? No tacos? Mac n' cheese? Something delicious in the air. Your head is spinning as you sit up, your legs feeling weak from earlier. You look over to your nightstand and see a bottle of water and Advil sitting there for you already.

This man is a god send.

You open the bottle of water chugging it back before taking an Advil for the hangover. You sit there for a few minutes before trying to stand up.

Nope not today.

"Max?" You yell hoping he doesn't have his headphone in.

"You okay?" Max asks running over.

"My legs don't want to work at the moment, can you carry me to the kitchen? I want some of whatever you're making." You say trying to stand up again, but your legs just give out, causing you to fall back down into the bed. Max just chuckles walking over, "of course princess. But first you need a shirt or something to cover up." Max says grabbing one of his shirts and putting it on you before scooping you up into his arms.

"This is your fault," you say glaring at Max.

"I know, isn't it amazing." Max says the biggest smile on his face. "Just be glad our hike is tomorrow and not today."

"Oh god, I'm not going to make it."

"Yes you are." Max says setting you down on the couch, bringing you over a plate of grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup, along with a bottle of Pedialyte.

"How was your night with the guys?" You ask opening up the Pedialyte and taking a sip,

"Good, played video games, ate food, drank, chatted. You know typical stuff."

"Did you win?" You ask as Max comes to sit down on the couch across from you with his own plate of food.

"Some games," he says shrugging. "What about you? How was your night?"

"It was good, drank, ate, did face masks, talked girly stuff that kind of thing. Except I don't remember much after Cass brought over the bottle of tequila." You say moaning as you bite into the grilled cheese sandwich. "This is amazing by the way."

"Oh yeah I knew it was going to be interesting coming back once I saw your texts," Max says smirking and your face drops. "Oh god what did I say." You grab your phone off the coffee table and look through your messages an immediate blush coming to your face.

I fucking sexted him.

"Okay well as least some of it came true." You say shaking your head. "Tequila makes me horny."

"You could say that again." Max says laughing. "Nothing happened though right?"

You can't help but laugh, "with Cass and Charlotte? No."

"Have you ever?" Max asks taking a bite of his grilled cheese.

"Once at University, I was tipsy, and everyone kept saying girls give better orgasms, so I thought eh why not. I mean it was good, but definitely not mind blowing can't walk afterwards. Was just missing something."

"A dick?" Max asks laughing.

"Yeah," you say laughing. "What about you? Who did you sleep with last night?"

Max glares at you, "no one, I slept on Charles's couch."

"Well, that's boring, here I thought you and Daniel would be all cuddled up." You say finishing off your sandwich.

"No, we did drunkenly kiss once while we were celebrating the world championship though." Max says sipping on his water.


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