CHAPTER 7; princess

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The car turns around the corner to the track and your eyes go wide seeing all of the cameras and press lining the entrance to the driver's parking lot. Max notices and chuckles.

"This is nothing Ari, this is just press. Sunday is the worst; you get press and fans. It's chaos."

You take a deep breath, well it's now or never. You try to ignore the camera flashes as people try to take pictures through the car window. Bradley pulls the car into Max's parking spot and Max gets out opening your door for you. You step out putting your purse over your shoulder, keeping your tablet in your hands.

If you have something in your hands, people are less likely to stop you to ask questions. Max had told you earlier this morning while you were getting ready.

The three of you walk down the paddock to the security gate and scan through security making your way down to the Red Bull garage, people taking pictures along the way. Max opens the door for you his hand going to your lower back following you as you step through smiling at the subtle gesture.

"Come on, you can leave your stuff in my dressing room then I'll give you a tour," Max says leading you to his dressing room.

"I'll catch up with you guys later!" Bradley says waving as he heads off in the other direction.

"A meeting this early?" You ask looking at Max.

"No, just doesn't want to third wheel." Max says chuckling and you start to blush.

It's early in the day so there is not a lot of people in the garage yet, only a few mechanics and engineers. Max shows you up a ramp to a door opening it allowing you to step into the small room. It has a small table, bed, and TV on the wall.

"Welcome to my dressing room," Max says putting his bag down in the corner.

"Cozy," you say setting your purse and tablet down on the table turning to face Max. The two of you stand in the center of the room not a lot of room on either side of you. A playful smirk on his face as he backs you up against the wall of his dressing room. His hands on your hips leaning in, and your breath hitches as his lips brush against yours gently. You reach up grabbing his shirt and pulling him into the kiss, breaking apart after a minute.

"So much for no PDA at the track," you say breathless.

"We're not in public princess, we're alone in my dressing room." Max says kissing down your neck, and you bite your lip trying not to let a moan slip out. "Now come on, let's go see the car. There's some people you should meet." Max says removing his lips from your skin and you pout slightly.

You head back down to the garage, Max a few steps behind. You smile seeing the car in the center of the closed garage, a few people standing around chatting. Max starts showing you around the garage, all of the different monitors and components that make the car function. An older gentleman waves at Max who smiles and waves him over.

"You're here early today Max," the older gentleman says.

"Yeah, thought I'd show my guest here the car before the weekend madness starts." Max says chuckling. "Arya, this is my racing engineer Gio, Gio this is Arya," Max says looking between the two of you.

"Nice to meet you," Gio says extending his hand.

"You as well," you say shaking his hand.

"Gio talks in my ear during the race giving me information on the car, when to pit, strategies etc." Max explains.

"I basically tell him what to do to get the best performance out of the car." Gio says chuckling.

"Hmmm interesting, so you're really like the brains of the car and Max is just the body that makes it work," you say looking over to Max who just shakes his head laughing and Gio laughs along with him.

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