CHAPTER 25; monaco

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The week just seems to fly by between gym sessions, working with Charlotte, and trying to enjoy some alone time with your husband, Saturday of the Monaco grand prix has come around. You already know Jos and your father will be around the paddock today and tomorrow for the race. The four of you had met up for dinner last night after Friday practice to discuss the engagement announcement.

"I still think a public engagement would be best." Jos says biting into his steak.

"We're already engaged." Max says sipping on his glass of wine.

"But no one knows that." Your father says looking at your left hand.

"We agreed to wait until after the race to announce it. Kind of defeats the purpose if I'm photographed wearing a ring." You say sipping on your wine.

"Yes, we don't need any added media distractions before the race." Jos says cutting another piece of steak off. "I'm just thinking if Max wins, we do a public podium proposal, for show of course."

"And if I don't win?" Max asks cutting into his steak.

"Then we will post the pictures, after you cross the finish line either way. We'll call it a dream of a weekend, getting to watch our children get engaged, Max race in the Grand Prix. Just like proud fathers who 'accidentally' leaked the engagement." Your father says.

"Don't even pretend to be proud of me, you've done nothing for me." You snap.

"I made you who you are." Your father snaps back and Max has to squeeze your thigh to stop you from lunging across the dinner table.

"Regardless of wording choice, it will get out there." Jos says glaring at your father.

"Fine." Max says eating his steak.

Thankfully, your father didn't end up getting a Red Bull VIP pass, so he isn't allowed into the garage or hospitality building. However, he was able to get a Paddock Club VIP pass so you're trying to stay in the Red Bull garage as much as possible to avoid running into him. Max had also given you a couple VIP passes for the garage and told you to invite some of your friends, but truthfully you didn't want to. Ever since finding out about your relationship with Max that's all they ask about, can you get me race passes, when are you bringing me to a race etc. The only friends that didn't ask were Harper and Jeremy, so you decided to invite them, call it a late engagement present. Daniel had also given Cass a few passes, so she invited Curtis and Ron to keep her company.

"I can't believe we're actually inside the Red Bull garage," Harper says looking around.

"This is seriously so cool Ari," Jeremy says looking wide-eyed at everything. "Thank you so much for inviting us."

"Oh no problem, Max had a couple extra passes for this race so thought it would be a nice surprise. No better place to watch from in here I think." You say leading them down the garage to meet up with Sara.

"Hey guys!" Sara says waving at you.

"Hey Sara! Harper, Jeremy this is Sara, Max's assistant. Sara this is Harper and Jeremy some of my friends."

"Nice to meet you," Sara says shaking their hands.

"Speaking of, where is Max?" Harper asks looking around.

"He's just in his change room getting ready for the race, which reminds me, Ari he asked me to send you up there before he comes out. Something about discussing strategy with you." Sara says and you nod. Strategy is a keyword the two of you decided to use when Max wants a kiss before qualifying or before the race. Sometimes it helps calm him down and focus him before he goes out, and sometimes it just distracts him, so Max let's Sara know what he wants to relay to you.

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