CHAPTER 15; 26 hours

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You slowly open your eyes, looking around your environment. Okay, I'm in Max's bed, in Max's shirt, where is Max? What time is it?

You climb out of bed feeling stiff and stretch a little before heading out to the living room seeing Max cooking up some food – dinner?

"That smells delicious." You say walking into the kitchen.

"Glad to see someone's finally awake." Max says smiling when he sees you. You walk over and wrap your arms around his waist leaning up to kiss him quickly.

"Finally? How long was I asleep for?" You ask looking at the clock, 6:37pm, only a few hours.

"26 hours." Max says.

"Shut up." You say your face dropping. Max pulls his phone out of his pocket and shows you the date on his phone. "Fuck. Wait how did I get upstairs? I don't remember anything after getting into the car."

"I carried you." Max says putting his phone back into his pocket.

"You carried me?"

"Well, I wasn't going to leave you in the car overnight." Max says laughing. "You should call Cass though, she's worried, she called a few times – hope you don't mind I answered."

"Not at all. Anything else happened over the last 24 hours I should know about?" You say grabbing your phone from the island.

"Bradley missed you at the gym, he was worried."

"What did you tell him?" You say unlocking your phone looking through your text messages.

"I told him you weren't feeling well but should be back with us tomorrow."

"Okay good. I'm just going to freshen up and call Cass quickly, and then I want some of that." You say looking at the chicken and vegetables on the stove. You head back to the bathroom and hop into the shower quickly feeling refreshed. You call Cass as you start to get dressed again.

"Ari?" She asks answering the phone.

"Hey Cass," you say putting on a pair of leggings.

"Oh, thank God you're awake, Max told me what happened. By the way, a little insulted I had to figure out for myself that Max Verstappen was the Max Verstappen."

"The Formula One World Champion? You knew that Cass." You say putting on a sports bra crop top, throwing a cardigan overtop.

"Don't play dumb with me. Son of Jos Verstappen mafia boss, he's alive, and you're mated to him."

"Did Daniel tell you?" You say throwing your slippers back on heading back into the bathroom.

"Daniel knows about him. – Baby you knew?!" You hear her yell to Daniel on the other side of the phone. "That's it. We're on our way up." Cass says hanging up the phone. You sigh and quickly blow dry your hair before heading out to the kitchen.

"Cass and Daniel are on their way up." You say as Max passes you a plate of chicken and vegetables.

"I hope they're bringing their own food then because I only bought enough for the two of us." Max says as you hear a knock on the door.

"That'll be them," you say standing up.

"I got it. You eat." Max says heading to the door, and you smile sitting back down taking a bite of the meal in front of you. Max heads to the door opening it and you laugh as Cass pushes her way though the door past Max and up to you.

"Hi Cass, come on in." Max says laughing sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah," Cass says waving Max off.

"How could you not tell me. We tell each other everything." Cass says.

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