CHAPTER 9; safety

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You're woken abruptly to your phone ringing in the early hours of the morning. Groaning you roll over and look at the caller ID before answering.

"You better have a good reason to be calling me at this hour." You say annoyed, Max groans turning over beside you.

"Got it... Thank-you." You say disconnecting the call.

"Who was that?" Max asks half asleep still.

"Nothing worth worrying about now, it can wait until we get back." You say kissing his cheek and heading to the bathroom. You run the tap and splash some water on your face before dialing another number.

"Come on Cass, pick up, pick up." You say quietly.

"Hello?" Cass answers half asleep.

"Cass, it's me. Are you safe?" You ask panicked.

"Yeah, I'm as safe as I can be. Why?" She asks more alert now.

"Can you spend a few days with Harper? Or I can have Sebastian my head of security stay with you if you'd prefer."

"Ari, what's going on?" Cass asks panic in her voice.

"My dad's been spotted in Monaco." You whisper so Max doesn't hear.

"Well good thing you're not in Monaco then." Cass says sarcastically.

"I know, but you are. Just please be safe Cass. Call me if you need anything okay. I love you."

"I will. I love you too. Wish Max luck for me today." She says before disconnecting the call, undoubtedly, to go back to bed. You take a second to compose yourself before turning the tap off and heading back to bed. Max rolls over, "everything okay?" 

No, my father's been spotted in Monaco, so we'll be walking into a trap getting back.

"Everything's fine." You say rolling over and staring at the wall. A million scenarios start running through your mind. Feeling really pent up, you decide to go to the gym before Max gets up to try and burn off some of the energy you have. You quietly change into a pair of leggings and sport bra, grabbing the Red Bull cap from the dresser and throwing your hair up in a pony tail. You write Max a note and leave it on your pillow just in case he wakes up before you get back. You look down at your watch, 5:23am, still a few hours before Max should be waking up. You make your way down to the gym, and smile when you find it empty. You pop your headphones in and start running on the treadmill, you let your mind wander, as much as you'd rather be running outside down the streets Max would probably kill you if he found out. As it is you're sure he won't be happy if he wakes up and you're gone. You run on the treadmill for just over 40 minutes, when you see an angry Max walk pass the gym windows.

Great here we go.

"What the fuck are you doing Ari?" Max asks storming into the gym, in a pair of shorts and a sweater.

"Running. What does it look like I'm doing?" You say, and Max pulls the emergency stop cord on your treadmill causing it to slow and stop.

"I roll over and you're gone, with nothing but a note. Talk." Max growls and you step off the treadmill catching your breath.

"I just needed to work off some extra pent-up energy, and I didn't think running through the streets would be a good idea, and it's not like we can fuck, so I came here." You say walking over to the water fountain for a drink. "I just, need to punch something and I don't want that to be someone at the track." You say frustrated.

"From the phone call you got earlier?"

"Yes." You say looking around at the gym equipment.

"Your dad?" Max asks and you nod, "yes."

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