CHAPTER 18; tequila & emotions

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Waking up a few hours later you lay in bed just staring at the ceiling. Your phone starts ringing, and you groan rolling over to grab it. Looking at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey," you answer half caring.

"Hey Ari," Jeremy says on the other end of the line. "How are you?"

"Peachy. What's up?"

"Just wondering what your plans are for tomorrow night?"

"I'm not too sure at the moment, why? What're you thinking?"

"Sasha rented a yacht and is throwing a big party, wondering if you and Max want to come?"

"Depends, are you asking me because we're friends and Max is my boyfriend or because he's a Formula One driver?" You ask knowing Sasha has no real like for you. She's one of those people that her money is her personality, always decked out in the highest end fashion she treats everyone like she is better than them and it really rubs you the wrong way. The silence on the other end is telling, but she's one of Harper's best friends and you're going to have to get along with her for the wedding.

"I'm not promising anything, but I'll ask." You say.

"Amazing! Just let me know." Jeremy says.

"Will do Jer." You say hanging up on the call. You slowly get out of bed and head into the kitchen feeling hungry. Opening up the fridge you pull out some vegetables, cutting them up and putting a glob of ranch in the middle for dip. You munch on the veggies while you watch Max drive around on the simulator. He's really good, it looks like he could do it in his sleep. Max finishes up with the simulation, stretching his arms up before taking off his headset standing up.

"That looked really good," you say biting into a carrot.

"Thanks, need to have that track memorized like the back of my hand." Max says walking over swiping some of the vegetables.

"For Miami?"


"You're going to win, I already know it," you say smiling softly at him.

"We'll see," Max says dipping a piece of cucumber into the ranch before eating it.

"Do we have any plans for tomorrow night?" You ask dipping another carrot into the dip.

"Hadn't made any yet, didn't know how hungover we'd be. Why?"

"Jeremy called, one of his friends is throwing a party on a yacht tomorrow and was wondering if we want to go."

"Could be fun." Max says shrugging.

"Could also be an ambush for you." You say sighing. "By fans and cameras, not the mafia."

"Ah, one of those invites." Max says raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I should expect that to happen now right? Friends asking for stuff?"

"Not from your real friends." Max says and you frown.

He's right. If he was a anyone else we wouldn't have been invited. But it would also feel nice to rub him in her face.

"What do you think about stopping by just to make an appearance, we don't have to stay for long." You say as Max finishes up the last few veggies on the plate.

"We can do that. Have dinner at the Marina then swing by."

"Sounds like a plan to me," you say putting the empty plate into the dishwasher.

"How're you feeling after your nap?" Max says wrapping his arms around you.

"I feel okay. I feel like there's just a lot more questions than answers."

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