CHAPTER 34; civil

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"I need some air." You say to Charlotte who follows your gaze and nods. The two of you head outside onto the balcony as tears flow down your face.

"I'm sorry Ari. He said he wasn't going to be here." Charlotte says hugging you tightly.

"It's fine... I just need a minute." You say taking a deep breath. "It's hard. I see his face in Liam's and..."

"I know." She says squeezing you tightly.

"To see him happy with someone else. Just... it feels like being stabbed all over again." You say pulling back wiping your tears away.

"I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine." Charlotte says rubbing your arms. "If it makes you feel any better, you're much prettier."

You can't help but chuckle, "you have to say that you're my best friend."

"And Liam's god-mother, so you know I wouldn't lie to you." She says smiling. "If anything, it makes me more honest."

"Ugh, would you hate me if I just went home? I just want to hold him in my arms." You say thinking about Liam probably fast asleep at home already.

"Not at all." She says and you smile. "But if I die tonight, it's on you."

"Alright, alright, fine. I can't have you die on me too." You say laughing wiping your tears away.

"Sorry, bad joke." Charlotte says linking your arms together.

"You know what, it was just right." You say smiling as the two of you head back into the club. When you get back inside Max is sitting at the table talking with Daniel. His blonde friend off to the side talking to Lando.

"There they are!" Charles says smiling at you and Charlotte. "My two favourite girls. I knew they wouldn't go too far."

"Just needed some air." Charlotte says kissing Charles cheek.

"I'm trying to save your girlfriend from a night of puking remember," you say nudging Charles. "You on the other hand." You say pouring him a drink. "Are not privy to that service World Champion."

A big smile comes across Charles's face as he shoots the shot back, "damn straight!"

You and Charlotte just laugh as Charles takes off going to chat with some other friends. You spot George across the club heading in with Lewis and you can't help but smile. You've become closer with the two of them over the last several months – particularly George. While in England you visited him a couple of times, going out for tea or walking through the country side.

"I'm just going to say hi to George and Lewis. I'll be back!" You say to Charlotte who nods going to talk to Carlos. You pass by the end of the table where Max and Daniel are chatting. Just when you think you've made it past them without notice Daniel catches your attention grabbing your hand.

"And where do you think you're running off to?" Daniel asks and Max just stares at the drink in his hands avoiding looking at you.

"Relax Dani, I'm not leaving." You say staring at him. "I'm just going to say hi to George and Lewis."

Daniel lets your hand go chuckling, "alright just checking, say hi for me."

"Will do." You say smiling at him. Come on Ari – you can do it. You look over at Max who is still staring at the glass in his hands swirling the contents around. He looks different. He's got more facial hair. A rougher look to him, like he's back to his old mafia ways. "Max."

Max just ignores you sipping on his drink, and you look over at Daniel who just shakes his head. Sighing you turn around and head towards George and Lewis.

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