CHAPTER 14; babe

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Max's alarm goes off the next morning and he rolls over to turn it off. He rolls back over and laughs subtly at you still sound asleep; he starts placing kisses on your cheek to wake you up.

"Wake up princess, it's time for our morning run." He whispers in your ear. You groan and roll over, "5 more minutes." Max chuckles and heads off to the bathroom filling up the cup used to hold your toothbrushes with cool water bringing it back to the bedroom.

"Last chance to wake up nicely princess," Max says, and you groan rolling over covering your head with the covers. Max pulls the covers down and throws the cup of cool water on you jolting you wake.

"Max!" You yell as you feel the cold water hit you.

"I warned you." Max says chuckling.

"I'll remember this." You say getting out of bed annoyed. "Now we have to strip the bed before we leave."

"I'll help you strip." Max say sneaking his hands under your wet tank top grabbing your hips.

"The bed, Max, take the sheets off the bed." You say shaking your head. You strip the bed throwing everything into the washing machine before getting changed into your running gear.

"You owe me a big coffee and breakfast after this." You say to Max slipping your running shoes on.

"Deal." Max says closing and locking the door behind you. The two of you head downstairs and meet up with Bradley in the lobby.

"Alright, we ready?" Bradley asks and you both nod. "Then let's go."

You actually enjoy the run around Monaco. Running along the harbour it gives you an appreciation of the scenery and lifestyle. It's fairly evident that even though Max is the world class athlete, you are the better endurance runner. Bradley concludes the run with some cool down stretches, before the three of you head off to the café down the street for some breakfast.

"So do you know that Max doesn't have any drinking glasses?" You ask Bradley taking a bite of your croissant.

"I do. He's a terrible host." Bradley says laughing.

"I have the necessities." Max says defensively.

"You have milk, maple syrup, Red Bull, and water in your fridge. I'd hardly call those necessities."

"Woah, you got milk and maple syrup. That's new." Bradley says looking at Max.

"I made pancakes and bacon one morning and she like's milk in her coffee." Max says taking a sip of his coffee and you smile, bush coming to your cheeks.

"Look at you growing and caring for another human being Max. I knew there was a reason I liked Ari; she makes you seem normal" Bradley says smiling at you.

"Thanks, I think?" You say and the three of you laugh, talking about the upcoming week before heading back home.

"See you guys tomorrow." Bradley says waving goodbye as valet hands him the keys to his car. You wave goodbye before heading upstairs back to Max's place.


"I'm just going to go check on my place, see how the guys are doing with security before heading off to meet Curtis." You say kissing Max's cheek as you grab your purse.

"Ari, wait." Max says as you're about to head out the door.

Here it comes, the don't go. Let me come with you. It's not safe.

"Yeah?" you say turning around and he tosses something at you. You catch the object and look at it carefully. It's a key.

"You might need that to get back in." Max says and you smile pulling out your set of keys adding it to your key ring. "Thanks roomie." You say winking at him, "I'll let you know when I'm on my way back."

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