CHAPTER 39; talking

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By the time you arrive to the tarmac the plane is ready to go – Daniel is flying off to the next race tomorrow with the team, and you won't see him for a few weeks until he gets back from his home race in Australia. Charlotte is also flying back later with Charles, as he has some commitments in Monaco to do before jetting back to Saudi Arabia for the next race.

Camille grabs your suitcase for you and the two of you head towards the plane where a hostess greets you. 

"Good evening Mrs. Verstappen, your husband has joined us already and is on board waiting." She says smiling at you and you look at Camille confused holding Liam tight against your chest.

"Let me go in first." Camille says pulling her gun out just in case before slowly entering the plane. You wait ready to run because baby in your arms, but you hear Camille call out, "it's fine Ari. It's Max."

You roll your eyes climbing the stairs up and into the plane. Looking down the aisle you see Max seated facing you a dead look in his eye like he'd been crying.

"That was a warm welcome." Max says blandly.

"You're suppose to be at the track. You could have been anybody." You say sitting across from him putting your purse on the seat next to you, keeping Liam in your lap.

"A note really?" Max says putting your note on the table between you.

"The irony." You say leaning back in your chair pulling your tablet out of your bag.

"Not funny." Max says sternly.

"I'm not laughing." You say as the doors to the plane close.

"Why don't I take the little guy while you two talk." Camille says and you nod. Camille picks up Liam who giggles, along with his diaper bag and walks to the front of the plane sitting facing away from you to give the two of you some privacy.

"What are you doing here Max?" You ask as you unlock your tablet not looking at him.

"I came to talk." He says shortly as the plane starts to taxi down to the runway.

"About?" You say finding the video you're looking for.

"Everything." Max says and you look up to meet his gaze seeing sincerity in his eyes.

"Very mature." You say sighing. "Okay, where do you want to start?"

Your leg starts to shake with nerves as the plane lines up on the runway, as you play the video.

"From the beginning." Max says. "Abu Dhabi."

"Sure. Let's just get into the air first." You say your leg continuing to bounce with nerves but a small smile forming on your face as the video of Liam crawling for the first time.

"What're you watching?" Max asks looking over as your tablet.

"Just a video Daniel took of Liam crawling for the first time," you say turning your tablet restarting the video so Max can watch it too. "Helps distract me."

Max looks in awe as he watches the video of his son crawling for the first time.

"It was one of the good days." You say smiling at the video as Max plays it again.

"Can you send that to me?" Max asks passing you back your tablet. "It's just I don't have any of this baby stuff."

"Of course." You say texting it to him from your tablet. "I've got a whole bunch of you want."

"Please." Max says nodding pulling out his phone, and you send him the folder of photos you have started of all of your pregnancy related things, including weekly pictures of your bump you've took to show the growth. You look out the window taking a deep breath calming yourself now that you're finally level in the air.

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