CHAPTER 35; life events

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Weeks pass and you continue about your life as always. Daniel has been doing a lot of training recently to get ready for the new season and he's been kind enough to let you and Liam tag along sometimes. One day, Daniel's trainer Michael suggests a hike, so you agree to go with Liam. Sightsee, get some fresh air, make some memories. It's a few days before Christmas but it's Monaco so there's no snow.

You bundle Liam up nice and warm carrying him against your chest as the four of you make your way up the hilltop. Liam's wide awake by the time you get to the top, looking around and smiling at the sights.

"Here let me take him for a bit," Daniel says, and you smile happily handing him over.

"Ugh, what is mommy feeding you little lamb?" Daniel asks Liam pretending he weights a ton. "You're getting so big already."

"Only the best." You say grabbing your chest chuckling.

"He's so adorable." Michael says swooning over him. "He's an angel."

"You don't hear him when he's crying at 4am to be fed." You say chuckling pulling your phone out and taking some pictures. Having deleted all of your pictures off of Instagram after the break up, you decided it would be a fresh start. You haven't posted anything about your son yet, but you know the closer the new season gets the more likely it'll be ousted by the paparazzi.

"Max still doesn't know does he?" Michael asks and you shake your head no.

"I haven't heard a word from him. So, I'm not going to force it." You say as Daniel hands you Liam back as he starts getting fussy.

"I'm just asking because I'm pretty sure that's him and Bradley over there." Michael says and you turn and look down the hill. Sure, enough Bradley and Max are making their way up the same hill.


"There's no other way down is there?" Daniel asks Michael.

"Not with a baby." Michael says sighing.

"Okay, well. I can wait in the bushes there for them to pass. Then rejoin you." You say and Daniel nods. The four of you quickly make your way as far down as you can without Max seeing you. Once close enough you walk into the tree line standing behind one of the trees swaying back and forth to keep Liam quiet. Michael and Daniel pretend to be resting on a nearby rock as Max and Bradley approach.

"Fancy seeing you guys here," Bradley says smiling.

"Thought it would be a good day for a hike," Michael says shrugging.

"Needed a change in routine." Daniel says brushing it off.

"I feel that." Max says chuckling.

Liam starts to get fussy, and you know it's partly because he just heard Max's voice for the first-time earth side. You used to play videos for him in the womb so he would know Max's voice, tell him stories about his father. Only the happy ones. Now that's kicking you in the butt.

"Did you hear that?" Max asks looking into the tree line.

"I didn't hear anything mate." Daniel says as you soothe Liam back down.

Max shrugs shaking it off before him and Bradley continue up the hill. "Happy Holidays."

"Happy Holidays." Daniel responds. You wait for a few minutes before slowly emerging.

"That was close." Daniel says and you nod. "He's going to find out soon."

"I know." You say sighing. "I'm just not ready for that fight yet." 


It was one of those days. A day where nothing seems to go right. Why Charles's wanted to propose on Christmas Eve was beyond you. Anyone who thinks they want to propose around the holidays – don't. The added stress of getting families together, without spoiling the surprise, kids running around everywhere.

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