CHAPTER 26; engagement, again

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"Good morning Team Max!" Sara says happily as you, Max and Bradley all walk into the garage. "How are we feeling this morning?"

"We need to talk." Max says sternly, and Sara's face drops as she follows you, Bradley, and Max into his drivers room.

"Stop scaring the poor girl." You say as Max closes the door to his change room the four of you squished in like sardines in a can.

"Alright, now none of this leaves this room okay?" Max says and everyone nods.

"Arya and I are engaged." Max says and you show them the pictures from the boat.

"Oh my god!" Sara screams and Max hushes her.

"Congratulations guys!" Bradley says hugging both of you.

"Where's the ring? Let me see!" Sara says looking at your hand not seeing a ring. Max pulls the box out of his pocket and shows them.

"We haven't told anyone, and we didn't want the press to go into a frenzy before the race, so we agreed to wait until after the race to announce it." You say smiling over at Max.

"Oh my god it's so beautiful, I'm so happy for you guys." Sara says hugging you.

"Thank you." You say hugging her back.

"But you have to promise not to say anything it's announced." You say and Sara and Bradley both nod.

"We just didn't want you to find out through social media." Max says putting the ring back into his pocket.

"You're going to have to tell me everything," Sara says, and you nod, "I will, I was actually just going to find Charlotte to tell her. Do you want to come?"

"Yes." Sara says taking your arm.

"See you later!" You say waving bye to Max and Bradley who just chuckle. You call Charlotte and agree to meet her in the drivers parking lot to talk out of the public eye.

"When did this happen?" Sara asks as the two of you walk down the paddock.

"Last Sunday."

"A week ago, and you didn't tell me until now!" Sara says stopping

"We we're just trying to enjoy the time to ourselves. Once we announce it you know the press is going to be all over it." You say stopping with her.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense. You still could have told me though." Sara says sighing before continuing on.

"I know, I've just never had people to tell things to before. I'm still figuring that part out. I'm sorry." You say smiling at her.

"It's okay, I get it." Sara says as you reach the drivers parking lot.

"Hey! Are you okay? What's going on?" Charlotte says standing by Charles's car.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just needed to tell you something before it comes out in the media later." You say pulling your phone out.

"Oh my god, you're pregnant?" Charlotte says gasping covering her mouth.

"No! God no!" You say shower her the pictures. "Max and I are engaged."

"Shut up! No way! That's amazing!" Charlotte says hugging you before scrolling through the pictures.

"Where's your ring?" Charlotte asks looking at your hand.

"Max has it, we didn't want to announce it until after the race to avoid the added media attention. But it'll be on after the race, don't worry." You say smiling.

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