CHAPTER 30; highs & lows

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Hearing Max's alarm go off the next morning brings nerves to your stomach the nausea following not far behind.

"It's just nerves, it's just nerves." You whisper to yourself before the overwhelming nausea hits you and you run to the bathroom throwing up into the toilet.

"Ari, there's no way this is food poisoning. Do you have another test you can take?" Max asks kneeling beside you as you throw up again into the toilet.

"There's more in my purse." You say keeping your head in the toilet. Max stands up heading out of the bathroom coming back a few minutes later with your purse. You reach in your purse grabbing one of the pregnancy tests setting it on the counter as you stand up.

"Max I know how to pee on a stick." You say staring at him.

"I've seen you naked." Max says not moving.

"Doesn't mean you need to see me pee." You say crossing your arms. "At least turn around." You say sighing. Max slowly turns around as you pee onto the stick, just as you did yesterday. You put the cap on the test and set it on the counter before flushing the toilet and washing your hands. Max sets a timer for 2 minutes on his phone and you both just stand there waiting for the timer to go off.

The timer goes off, and you both don't move frozen. You hesitantly reach for the test and take a deep breath before turning it over, Max looking over your shoulder. 

Negative? or wait is that a faint line? No, maybe I'm seeing things. 

"See, must just be nerves." You say handing Max the test.

"I don't know, that might be a line." Max says looking down confused at the test.

"Maybe it's just too early to show up on the tests." You say almost hopeful. "I'm still going to do a blood test when we get back."

"What about having one done here?" Max asks rubbing your arms.

"I doubt the track doctor does pregnancy checks on the drivers. Besides it'll probably take a few days to get results anyways."

"Not when you're a Verstappen." Max says raising his eyebrow and you narrow your eyes.

"If I call her, I can have her on a plane here in 6 hours." You say and Max shakes his head.

"I called her yesterday, she's already here a few floors down waiting." Max says pulling out his phone and you glare at him. "What, I didn't really believe the negative result yesterday and if it were positive today we need to make sure everything's okay."

"This is the last thing you need to be stressing about on race day Max."

"Too late." Max says calling your doctor who say's she'll be up shortly.

"This is ridiculous. What's she going to do, fly my blood back to Monaco to be run?"

"Now that's absurd. No, we own part of the private hospital here. They've given Camille authorization and will give us results in a few hours." Max says and you look at him skeptically.

"Under the radar."

"Completely under the radar. Our names won't be on anything." Max says nodding.

"Good, because I don't need your dad finding out and somehow using it against us." You say sighing as you hear a knock on the door.

Max goes to get it as you walk out and sit at the table with your two negative pregnancy tests.

"Dr. Rossi, nice to meet you in person. Max Verstappen." Max says opening the door.

"Please Camille is fine when we're in private." Dr. Rossi says walking in.

"I will say it's nice to get a call for a happy occasion for once." Camille says hugging you. "Wait, we are potentially happy about this right?"

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