CHAPTER 42; family

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The rest of the day is spent together just the three of you. Max made pancakes for breakfast which Liam absolutely loved, before him and Max had some play time just the two of them. While Liam still isn't fully comfortable or used to Max being around, you're impressed by how accepting he seems to be.

I guess playing all those videos and having Max's clothes must have helped.

Liam goes down for a nap after playing, and you and Max are able to finish what you started this morning. Twice.

The three of you then go out for lunch followed by a walk down by the water.

"We should take him out on the yacht one day." Max says pushing the stroller near the Marina.

"I think he'd like that; he seems to like the water." You say looking out at all of the boats in the harbour.

"Just like you." Max says smiling over at you.

You pop into the grocery store to grab a couple of things, while Max waits outside with Liam pushing him back and forth in the stroller. Coming out several minutes later bag in hand you can't help but smile seeing Max bouquet of burgundy roses in hand he must have gotten from the stand just a couple stores down.

"For you." Max says handing them to you and you blush.

"Thank you." You say smiling as Max kisses your cheek.

When you get home you put the roses in a vase and set them onto the kitchen island remembering your first date with Max where he brought you burgundy roses. Max and Liam watch some TV for a bit, before playing on the balcony outside. You can't help but smile as Max holds Liam up in his lap looking at him. "Can you say dada?" Max asks at Liam who just giggles.

"Dada. Dad. Daddy." Max encourages and you shake your head leaning against the doorframe.

"Mama," Liam coos smiling.

"No not Mama. Dada. Dada."

"Mama," Liam says looking over at you and you walk over sitting next to Max on the bench.

"That's right baby boy," you say as Liam crawls into your lap.

"Mama's boy already." Max says chuckling.

"Aren't you all?" You ask chuckling. "Mama's boy, daddy's girl?"

"Next one better be a girl then." Max says looking at Liam and you shake your head.

"Next one you can have how about that." You say glaring at him, and Max just sticks out his tongue making Liam laugh.

"You'd like to have a little brother or sister, wouldn't you Liam?" Max says and Liam claps giggling away. "See he agrees."

"Not anytime soon." You say chuckling.

Before you know it the day has come and gone, and Max is getting ready to head to the airport.

"Okay, car is here." Max says looking at his phone coming out of your bedroom, and you pout hating that he has to leave Liam sitting on your hip. "I will be back as soon as I can." He says leaning down and kissing you.

"You take it easy on your mom while I'm gone okay?" Max says kissing the top of Liam's head. "I'll talk to you two soon."

"Good luck this weekend. Come back alive." You say hugging him, not wanting to let go.

"Always." Max says hugging you tightly. "Okay, I have to go." Max says kissing you again, more passionately this time leaving you breathless as he heads towards the door. "I'll call you." Max says, and your heart drops as you watch him walk out the front door. You take a deep breath trying not to let the tears fall from your eyes as you walk over locking the front door hoping he'll come back to you like he promised. Liam starts to cry, and you try to soothe him, "don't worry baby, he'll be back."

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