CHAPTER 27; trouble

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Max's alarm goes off an hour later and you both groan as Max shuts it off, slowly crawling out of bed. Max heads to the kitchen to make you some food while you start on your hair and makeup.

"Ari, food's ready." Max calls out from the kitchen some time later.

"Coming." You say walking out of the bathroom putting your earrings in. "Smells delicious."

Max just stares at you his eyes looking you up and down.

"What?" You ask thinking there's something in your teeth or on your dress.

"I've got the hottest wife." Max says smiling at you.

"Fiancé remember." You say winking at him.

"That tattoo doesn't lie." Max says nodding towards your left hand before setting a plate of pasta down in front of you.

"Speaking of, I should make that post now right?" You say pulling out your phone.

"Now is as good as time as any I think. It's already out there." Max says looking over your shoulder at the pictures.

"Good?" You ask passing Max your phone and he goes through them again.

"Good." He says passing your phone back to you, and you take a deep breath before hitting post and turning off your notifications for Instagram.

"That should keep out parents happy." You say digging into the pasta Max made.

"For now, at least." Max says nodding. You and Max finish eating the pasta quickly before Max heads off to get changed while you clean up the kitchen.

"Alright, Cass and Daniel are ready whenever we are." Max says heading back out from the bedroom.

"Well fuck me." You say watching as Max rolls up his sleeves on his black dress shirt.

"Don't tempt me." Max says and you walk over and kiss him. You wipe the lipstick off his lips and head to the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Max asks raising his eyebrow.

"Seriously? I think the ring on my hand does a good enough job scaring people away." You say sighing walking back over to Max.

"I'm not taking any chances." Max says and you tilt your neck giving him better access to leave his mark on you. Max goes right for the sensitive spot near your collar bone kissing it and sucking on the skin leaving an obvious hickey in it's place.

"There, now we can go." Max says admiring his handy work.

"Might as well just get that tattooed on me as well." You say looking at it in the mirror on your way out.

"Not as fun." Max says taking your hand as the two of you head downstairs to the lobby.

"There they are!" Daniel says nodding in your direction and Cass turns around smiling.

"Verstappens, looking hot as usual." Cass says hugging you quickly.

"Thanks Cass, you're looking good as well." You say looking at her tight dress that hugs her curves.

"I know." She says laughing. "Now come on, let's go get drunk."

The four of you climb into the car that's waiting just outside taking the quick ride to Jimmy Z's. Your heart starts to beat faster as you see the crowd of people out front waiting to get in. Camera's lining the streets hoping to get a good picture of the drivers entering. The car slows to a stop and the driver hops out opening the door as Daniel and Cass step out first, the flash of the camera nearly blinding you. Max steps out next and extends his hand for you to take as you step out. Cameras start flashing and people start calling out your name and Max's trying to get your attention. You keep your head down as Max holds your hand leading you into the club. You take a deep breath once inside, and smile as you see familiar faces scattered throughout the club.

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