CHAPTER 2; killer first date

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"He said that?" Cass says over the phone as you walk around anxiously waiting for your date to arrive.

"I know, and I don't know why I thought it was soooooo hot. Usually, I wouldn't but I don't know something about him just ughhh..." you say thinking back to last night.

"And he said he's coming by at 7pm to pick you up for dinner?"


"What a fucking plot twist."

"I know. I was just looking for some hot sex. Now I'm going to have to beg him for it." You say rolling your eyes.

"Or you could not, and just fuck someone else." Cass says matter-of-factly.

"Oh, come on Cass, you saw how hot he was. You really think I'm going to find someone hotter?"

"No, probably not." Cass says laughing. "But I know Elliott definitely would."

You shudder even at the thought. "Yeah no thanks, I'd rather just do it myself. How was Evan by the way?"

"Kind of disappointing. He had the equipment but didn't exactly know how to use it. If you know what I mean."

"I know exactly what you mean." You say laughing hearing a knock at the door. "Hang on Cass, someone's at the door."

"Maybe he's early." You hear Cass say over the phone, laughing as you open the door. This sight in front of you making your jaw dropping.

"Cass, I'm going to have to call you back. Say hi to your sister for me." You say hanging up, letting the phone slip out of your fingers onto the floor.

I hope she remembers that the code for when one of us is in trouble.

Your breathing increases as you see your ex-boyfriend standing in front of you, a gun pointed directly at you.

"Nathan, how did you - ?" You ask holding your hands out.

"I've got friends all over the place." He says stepping inside your apartment. "Did you really think you could just leave me? After everything we've been through."

You look over at the clock on the wall. 6:37pm, I hope I'm still alive by the time help gets here.

"I've already told you. We're done. I'm not coming back with you." You say stepping back.

"And I've told you. If I can't have you, no one can." Nathan say stepping towards you.

"Nathan please, you're scaring me. Put the gun down." You say tears starting to form in your eyes. It's not the first time Nathan's pulled a gun on you, but this time his tone is different suggesting he might actually use it. He pulls a chair from the kitchen keeping the gun pointed at you.

"Sit." He says and you tentatively sit down in the chair. Nathan puts the gun under your chin, pressing it harshly against your skin and you feel the tears fall down your cheeks.

"Stop crying." Nathan demands and you wipe your tears away quickly sniffling back the rest of your tears. He grabs a roll of packing tape you had laying around and begins to tape your wrists and ankles to the chair.

"Please Nathan, don't do this." You beg, tears beginning to form in your eyes again.

"You left me with no choice," he says before striking you across the face. The impact of his hand coming in contact harshly with your cheek causing you to let out a small yelp. Nathan quickly covers your mouth with his hand muffling the tail end of the scream.

"Scream like that again and you're dead. Do you understand me?" He threatens and you nod slowly.

"Good. Now let's have some fun." Nathan says removing his hand from your mouth. He walks into the kitchen grabbing a knife as you wiggle against your restraints. He comes back tilting your head back kissing you roughly. You don't kiss him back, and he slices your thigh with the knife cutting the material of your dress in the process. You hiss as you feel blood start to drip down your leg.

A Chance for NormalcyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang