CHAPTER 21; uneasy

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"You okay Ari?" Charlotte asks. "You've hardly touched your food."

"Yeah, just nervous I guess." You say picking at your pasta during lunch with Charlotte and Cass.

"Don't worry. Max will be fine," Cass says reassuringly.

"I know, still easier said than done." You say taking a sip of your water.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom before we leave. I'll be right back." Cass says excusing herself.

Charlotte leans over the table, "are you pregnant?"

"What? No." you say nearly choking on your water.

"You're barely eating, you're drinking water instead of champagne, and you look like you're about to be sick. Are you sure?"

"Yes Char," you say rolling your eyes.

"Then what is it? Because there's no way that's just race nerves."

You look around biting your lip, "Declan just tried to kiss me, and I kneed him in the balls."

"That asshole, where is he?" Charlotte asks standing up.

"No, Char, it's fine really. I just don't think I should tell Max until after qualifying. I don't want to distract him."

Charlotte looks around for a moment before sighing and sitting down. "Yeah, okay, that's understandable."

"I'm still going to punch him the next time I see him." Charlotte says taking a big sip of champagne.

"Yeah, I think Max and Lando will too." You say sighing.

"Lando knows?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah, I ugh, ran into him right after and I was a little shaken up about it."

"No kidding."

"Alright, are we ready to go?" Cass asks coming back.

"You should at least tell Cass." Charlotte says looking at her.

"Tell me what?"

"I'll see you guys tomorrow yeah? Text me if you need anything," Charlotte says kissing you on the cheek before she heads off back towards the Ferrari garage.

"Declan tried to kiss me." You say quietly.

"That mother f-" Cass says.

"Language." You say cutting her off.

"I'm actually going to kill him. What happened?" Cass asks as the two of you walk down the paddock as you tell her what happened.

"You should tell Max." Cass says.

"I will. I just want to wait and do it after qualifying so his head is in the right space."

"I don't know I think you should tell him now before Declan says something or Lando accidentally does." Cass says as you reach the Red Bull garage.

"Alright, I'll see if I can find Max. I'll meet you back here before FP3." You head over to Max's driving room hoping to find him there but no luck, but you do find Sara.

"Sara, hey, do you know where Max is?" You ask looking around.

"He's just warming up with Bradley why?" Sara says.

"Nothing, just something happened, and I need to tell him. But it's fine I can tell him after qualifying." You say sighing.

"What happened?" Sara asks pulling you into his dressing room and you tell her what happened. Fuck, at this point I'm telling everyone except Max.

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