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I feel Adelyn stir beside me, her elbow harshly jabbing my ribs. I let out a grunt and gently move her arm, resting my hand on her head as my fingers comb through her hair.

I lean down and press a kiss onto her forehead, smiling at how peaceful she looks.

We're finally married. Married for good this time, and I sure as hell won't be losing her again. Now we can start our family, strengthen the new Italian-French Mafia and set up our lives.

I don't know if we're rushing the whole starting a family thing, but we both want children, and it's better to have them when we're younger I believe.

Duchess yawns and stretches her body, flexing her claws before recoiling back into a ball on my stomach, a paw resting on Adelyn.

I let out a breath and rest my head against Adelyn's admiring the hickeys covering my wife's neck and chest. I let my finger trace the marks left as I scatter her forehead with kisses, overcome with love as I look at my perfect wife.

"What are you doing?" Adelyn rasps, slowly blinking as she comes to. "Admiring my work," I murmur, smirking as a blush creeps up her neck.

"Fuck off," she grumbles, burying her face in the crook of my neck. I laugh and play with the ends of her hair, "I love you too tesoro," I chuckle.

Adelyn just hums and indignantly I pinch her hip, "I love you too Luca," she rolls her eyes, causing me to smile. "Good," I hum, kissing her temple. "Want me to run you a bath?" I murmur against her skin. She nods and yawns, stretching her body out like a cat as I gently pick her up and carry her into our bathroom.

I set her down on the bathroom counter and start the bath, making sure it's the perfect temperature before I turn the tap off. I turn to see Adelyn getting undressed and I smile as she reaches her arms out for me. I chuckle and pick up her naked body, carefully placing her in the tub.

"Aren't you joining me?" she asks, motioning to the spot across from her. I shake my head and lean down to kiss hers, "No baby, I'll have a quick shower and then go make us some breakfast. Enjoy some alone time hey?" I wink at her. She laughs and nods, pulling my face down to kiss me, "I will," she murmurs.

I give her one more kiss before stepping out of my sweats and into the hot shower. I quickly rinse myself off before stepping back out and patting myself dry with a towel. I smile when I look over and see Adelyn peacefully lying down in the bath, completely oblivious to the world around her as her pretty eyes stay closed.

I wrap the towel around my waist and walk into our walk-in robe. I quickly put on some black jeans and a black t-shirt, letting my hair dry by itself.

I make my way down to the kitchen and start gathering the ingredients for pancakes. I whistle to myself as I start mixing all the dry ingredients, sifting flour and sugar into a bowl.

This is what you're going to have to do every day of your life now.

I know.

And you're not annoyed that the great Luca De Santis is in the kitchen making his wife breakfast every single day?

Not in the slightest.

This is the part of marriage, a real marriage that is, which excites me. I get to spend every day like this. Waking up next to the person I love the most, getting to speak to her before anyone else, getting to spend time in the morning with her. Something no one in the world can, because she's mine. My wife.

My head snaps up and my hand reaches for my gun when I hear the front door being slammed

I swore I locked it last night...

The Moon And The StarsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin