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Anton leans across the table again, smiling his sick smile at me "I guess the question is Luca, do you want her to die as your wife or to live as mine?"

I cant bring myself to say anything, if I don't sign divorce papers, then Adelyn dies, but if I do sign the divorce papers, then she's in Anton's hands, that's as good as dead.

"Hurry up and decide, will you sign the papers or not? If you don't decide soon then I tell my men to shoot," Anton snaps, visibly annoyed at my hesitance, "One...two...."

"I'll sign them," I say quietly, my heart breaking as the words leave my mouth. "What's that? You'll let me marry your wife?" Anton asks, his tone wicked as he smirks triumphantly at me. "Just because I'm signing them doesn't guarantee anything for you," I remind him, my voice low.

"Oh but is does," Anton says, his voice dripping with fake sympathy, "I made a deal with André when you two got married. If anything were to happen, André would give Adelyn over to me, so as soon as you sign these papers, she's essentially already my wife,"

"I find that hard to believe," I say lowly, doubting that André could care so little for his daughter that he'd willingly marry Adelyn off to Anton. His dirty business isn't a secret, everyone in the underworld knows about his sex trafficking.

"Do you just?" Anton chuckles, "André and I are very alike, both great men with great ambition. He's willing to do anything to boost his status in our world, even giving his prized little daughter to me. We've been planning for this since the very start,"

I take a deep breath to calm myself down.
He's been planning this for months, we were never going to win.

"Now sign them before I lose my patience," Anton says, his tone returning to the impatient one of before as he pushes the divorce papers closer towards me, a pen resting on top of the pile.

In what feels like a fevered dream I clasp the pen and sign each sheet of paper, each signature sending Adelyn closer into the hands of a psychopath.

As I sign the last paper Anton collects them and smiles at me, "Thank you so much for your cooperation, and just one last thing. I will continue to have eyes on my wife, so if I see you or anyone else in your Mafia go to her, I will immediately kill everyone involved. Now go enjoy your life as a single man," he laughs, his laugh ringing in my ears as I stand up and walk out of the room, through the corridor and out the front door back to my car. Like a dazed man I don't think of anything, I just walk to my car, completely and utterly oblivious to the world around me. For once in my life I am totally powerless, unable to immediately save Adelyn in this situation, for if I try we will both be killed, and she doesn't deserve that.

As I get in my car I lock the doors and lean back against the seat, suddenly jolting up when I remember Val and Carlos are with Adelyn, automatically putting all three at risk. I pick up my phone and call Val, who immediately picks up.

"How did your missio-" she starts, only for me to cut her off, "You and Carlos need to get out of the hotel immediately, I can't explain now but you have to leave Adelyn and get out, go to one of Carlos' safe houses and I'll meet you there and explain," I say urgently,

"Luca what's wrong? Why are we leaving Adelyn?" Val asks, her voice thick with concern,

"I can't explain now, just please do it. Go to Carlos' safe house that we usually go to. Please," I beg, worried that Anton has tapped the phones in the hotel,

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