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TW: DOMESTIC ABUSE & VIOLENCE. This chapter deals with much darker topics then I've included in my story so far, so if it is going to trigger anything then I suggest you don't read xx

I'm awaken by the sound of heavy feet walking towards me, my eyes snapping open as if by instinct. I feel Nia's body to tense beside me and I hug her to my side.

Two men come walking towards us, one taking me whilst the other grabs Nia who goes limp. "Be gentle with her asshole," I snap, to which the man holding her hits me across the face, causing my nose to bleed.

"We've been ordered to split you up until Anton thinks you need a servant," the man holding me says, signalling for the second man to take Nia away. I feel my heart gain a hundred pounds as the old feeling of loneliness starts to sink in again, at least with Nia we could be afraid together.

I stumble alongside the guard holding me, struggling to keep up with his fast pace, almost having to run to keep up with him as he walks he over to a black car. As I've grown used to I'm shoved into the car and the door is slammed shut, leaving me alone in the backseat. The guard gets in and starts driving me to what I can only imagine is Anton's estate, a cold, dreary mansion, nothing warm and homely about it, making me miss Italy even more.

That's a sentence I never thought I'd say.

As the guard stops the car in the gravel driveway, the door is immediately opened and I'm met with two large men crowding my door. They each take one of my arms and walk me inside, I'm roughly taken up a grand flight of stairs and down the first hallway we see, turning into the first room on the left. One of the men releases my arm and unlocks the door, the other man leading me inside. "This is where you will be staying until further notice. The door will stay locked and you are not permitted to leave, if you are caught attempting to escape Anton will personally deal with you. Meals will be brought up to you at the designated times. Finally, the Don will be up to see you some time tonight, and he has requested that you change into the clothes laid out on your bed," the first guard says, licking his dry lips after completing his little speech. He gives me a quick nod before they both disappear back into the hallway, locking the door behind them.

I feel my legs get weak so I walk over to my bed, shuddering when I see the red set of lingerie set out on my bed. I scoff at the idea of Anton thinking he'd be able to see me in that and toss it onto the floor, getting into the bed. I curl up into a ball and rock myself back and forth, too tired to even cry at this point.

My eyes fall to the lingerie now on the ground and I shudder at the thought of Anton seeing me like that, touching, me like that.

My mind reels back to all the horror stories I've heard of girls being put in that position, of men taking advantage of them and using them for sex. My Father taught me growing up that it was just a normal part of Mafia life for girls, and that's part of the reason why I was so grateful for Luca to have not treated me like that, but now it looks like I might not have escaped it after all. And that scares me behind words.

Luca hurry up.


I'm rudely awaken from my sleep by the sound of my door being unlocked, my body shrinking into the bed as I see Anton walk in. His eyes fall to the lingerie on the ground and his top lip curls into a scowl, "I thought I said you were to change into that, what kind of wife are you if you won't even please your husband?" his voice drips with annoyance as he prowls up to the bed which I realise I'm still lying in.

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