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I wake up to find my body entangled with Luca's, our legs intertwined as his arms are looped around me, my head on his chest. I sleepily open my eyes and look up to see him still asleep, the weight of his head resting on mine making it hard to turn my body to properly look at him.

I go to slightly adjust my position but a shooting pain is sent up my legs. I let out a hiss of pain and I feel Luca stir. "Is everything ok mi amour?" he rasps, his morning voice causing butterflies to swarm into my stomach. "My legs hurt," I tell him, wanting him to baby me like he has when I was hurting in the past. Instead, I feel his lips curve into a smirk against my skin, "Then I guess I fucked my girl hard enough," he whispers, placing soft kisses on my neck.

I mentally curse him but slightly tilt my head, giving his lips more room to roam my neck. He starts sucking on my neck, and I muffle my mouth on his shoulder to stop a moan from coming out. I feel his lips leave my neck and kiss up to my mouth, kissing the corner of my
lips before gently kissing them. I smile into the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck, my hands falling into his silky hair.

"You know, we act more like a married couple every day," he observes, to which I simply hum in response, snuggling back into his warm chest. "How would you like to go out with me today? We can spend the whole day together," he suddenly asks, propping himself up on an elbow to look at me. "As in like a date?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah," he says, a blush creeping up on his cheeks,

"Luca are you asking me out on a date?" I ask breathlessly, unable to contain the smile making its way onto my lips. Luca smiles and kisses my nose.

Fuck I love it when he does that.

"Yes Adelyn, will you go on a date with me," he asks, his voice slightly teasing but his eyes earnest. I feel my heart swell with happiness as I eagerly nod, "I'd love to," I say softly, sitting up to cup his face with my hands, pressing another kiss onto his lips.

Luca smiles his beautiful smile at me before kissing me again, "Go get ready and then I have some surprises for you," he tells me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I wince as I get out of bed, causing Luca to smirk at me again. I roll my eyes before limping into my walk-in robe.

During my 2 weeks of bed rest, Luca moved all my stuff into his room so now we share a room and a wardrobe, so it seems fitting to finally go on a date together.

I hear Luca open the bedroom door and the scatter of paws coming towards me fills me with guilt.

We locked Duchess out of the room last night.

To be fair you guys were fucking and I don't think she would want to be there for that.

I ignore the voice in my head and crouch down to pick my baby up in a hug, scattering her soft face in kisses as I apologise profusely for shutting her out last night. After I've apologised enough to her I set her down on the vanity inside my wardrobe and give her a get ready with me whilst I choose my outfit for the day. Due to amount of hickeys left by Luca, I reluctantly choose to wear a cropped white turtle neck with a black mini skirt and black chunky boots. I put on one of Lucas blazers over the top and put on my make up, throwing my hair up into a messy ponytail.

I do a swirl for Duchess and she meows at me, approving of my basic ass outfit choice. I hear Luca chuckle behind me and slightly embarrassed I turn to see him leaning on the doorframe looking at me. "My blazer looks so much better on you," he tells me, smirking as his eyes quickly scan down my body, and I can't help but blush at the adoring look in his eyes.

I walk over to him and he picks me up, swinging me around as he scatters my face with kisses. He puts me back on the ground and cups my face with both hands, kissing my nose, "My pretty girl," he mummers, his smile full of love as he looks at me.

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