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"Mr and Mrs De Santis?" a soft voice wakes me from my sleep, and I look up to see the tired face of a nurse. "Mr Salvatore is out of surgery, and we're bringing him out now,"

"Is he ok?" Luca asks, pulling me further into his lap as I try to move, "He's ok for now, but we had to put him in a medically induced coma to keep him in a somewhat stable condition, so don't get your hopes up because it could honestly change at any minute," the tired woman tells us.

"Thank you," I smile at her, and she smiles back, nodding to us before turning around to help the other nurses bring Carlos into the room. I feel my stomach lurch as I see him lying in the bed, an oxygen mask running through his nose as he's hooked up to all kinds of machines, a large bandage covering his stomach, standing out against his abnormally pale complexion.

I look over to Luca whose chest is rising and falling quicker than I've ever seen before, his eyes darting around Carlos in the bed as he tries to fully comprehend the sight before him. I put a hand on his shoulder, "He's ok, remember?" I say, trying to make my tone happier than I feel, "For now," Luca says quietly, waking over to the bedside of his best friend.

"He looks like shit," he chuckles, and I wince at his attempt of deflecting his pain with humour. "So do you," I deadpan, narrowing my eyes at my husband.

"Don't be rude to you husband," Luca teases, roughly pulling me in to his chest, I laugh and wrap my arms around him, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"You know people in comas can hear you?" a doctor chuckles, "And I'm sure Mr Salvatore wouldn't appreciate you telling him he looks like shit," he says, his tired eyes dancing with amusement.

Luca laughs, "I'm sure he would," he says softly. "Well we'll leave you to it then, we'll come in and check up every half hour," the doctor sighs, walking out of the room, leaving me and Luca alone with Carlos.

"Should we tell the family?" I ask, pulling a chair up beside the bed for Luca. He sighs and sits down, pulling me onto his lap. He kisses my lips, "Probably," he murmurs. His hands fall to my ass as he continues kissing me, I chuckle and take his hands in mine, "Not the time," I tell him, and he rolls his eyes as he kisses my lips once more before turning me around to rest his chin on my shoulder. "You can call them, I'm too tired," he murmurs, closing his pretty eyes.

"Ok," I whisper, kissing his cheek, taking out my phone. I decide against calling Luca's family as I don't want to cry in front of them all yet, so I message the group chat, telling them all to fly down as soon as they can. As soon as I set my phone down it lights up with Val's name, I swiftly answer it. "Guys you need to get out of there," she says urgently, panting coming through the phone. "I've been tracking you guys ever since you went to Spain, just to make sure you would be safe. One of the doctors is an agent for Anton, Carlos is completely fine, they just put him in the coma so make sure he can't struggle, they're going to slowly poison him with the drips, if you take them out now he'll be fine," she practically yelling into the phone as her footsteps continue to thunder through the phone.

"How the fuck do you know this," Luca asks urgently, taking out all the drips in Carlos' arms. "I went on a date with the guy and managed to get him drunk enough to trip up and tell me everything, I'm on my way to the hospital now," she explains, her breathing becoming shallower as she gets puffed out. "Does he have a breathing tube in?" she asks, cursing under her breath, "Yes," Luca answers, his eyes frantic as he looks at my phone, "Take it out. If he's breathing fine then a tube will be dangerous," she orders.

Luca looks at me, his eyes almost popping out of his head, "I don't know how to fucking do that," he snaps, his anxiety coming out as anger. "Then get a nurse to do it asshole," Val snaps back. I roll my eyes at their sibling bickering and stick my head at the door. "Hey! You nurse come here!" I shout at a passing doctor. He furrows his eyebrows before hurriedly walking over, "Is everything alright over here?" he asks, as I pull him into the room.

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