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I feel all eyes on me as soon as there's been a five second silence.

I look up from my pasta, "What?"

"So we're just going to ignore the elephant in the room?" Marco says bluntly

"What elephant?" I ask indignantly

"Hmm I don't know," Val says, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Maybe the fact that you're getting fucking married? To a girl who doesn't want to might I add,"

"A few days ago you were all for me getting married, now you sounds pissed about it, what the fucks wrong with you?" I say in an exasperated tone

"When I was our shopping I tripped into Adelyn and her cousin. We spent the afternoon together and I like her more than you. In fact I'm a bridesmaid for the wedding," she says proudly.

I raise an eyebrow at her, "You just spent an entire afternoon with my fiancé?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah, is that so hard to believe?" she says in a 'duh' tone.

"Extremely," I say bluntly, "What did you guys even talk about?"

Obviously you.

"You," she says, giving me a wink

I groan and look at her in frustration, "Don't go filling her head with any bullshit about me being a dick," I plead with her, "She doesn't need anything else to make her anxious about the wedding,"

Val raises an eyebrow at me and looks at me, suspicion written over her face, "Why do you care about what she thinks of you?" she asks slowly, pointing her fork at me.

"Because he's in love with her. Obviously," Carlos says in a bored tone.

I scowl at him, "No I am not,"

"I mean you did seem quite fond of her when we saw her today son," Dad says.

"My son? Fond of a girl?" Mum says in a fake surprised voice, "Do continue," she adds, her eyes twinkling with amusement,

Dad laughs and wipes his mouth with a napkin. "All I mean is, the poor girl seemed quite flustered and Luca put his hand on her leg to make her feel better. Which in my opinion, is a very nice thing to do. That's all," he picks his fork back up and twirls some pasta onto it.

I hear Mum gasp and her mouth stays open, "Luca!" she says, obviously shocked at my gesture towards Adelyn. "I hope you didn't make her feel more uncomfortable," she lightly scolds me.

I sigh and glare at Dad, "Mum it wasn't like that. I was just trying to calm her down. And I don't think she'd appreciate us all talking about her so let's just drop it and eat," I say, my voice coming out more tired than intended.

I twirl some pasta onto my fork then shove it in my mouth indicating that I'm not speaking further on the matter.

I feel both Carlos and Val's eyes boring into me, a smirk playing on both their lips.

Fucking hell I'm surrounded by morons.


"What about this one?" the elderly woman at the counter suggests, pointing to yet another ring and yet again I shake my head.

"No, this one just do-"

"Doesn't seem like her I know. That's what you've said about the last fourteen rings my dear," she sighs at me, and smiles. "She's a very lucky girl to have a man who cares so much. Most men spend five minutes looking then just pick the cheapest one! You must love her very much,"

No actually it's a forced marriage because they're in the Mafia.

I smile back at her and hum in response. "I think I'll just look around and tell you when I find one," I say politely.

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