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It's been almost 2 weeks since we raided Anton's house and got Adelyn back, and this is the first time I've left her side. Apparently todays meeting was "non-negotiable" so I've been sitting here for an hour whilst I'm given information on Anton.

It feels weird leaving Adelyn in our home alone, but I keep telling myself she's safe and the more time I spend at work figuring out how to take Anton down, the sooner she'll be safe do good. I know I said the aim of the raid was to get Adelyn and any girls back but I'm still annoyed that the fucker Anton wasn't there, at least we got Dmitri's sister back and they're both healing now.

According to some guard Val tortured, Anton was at an auction when we raided the place, I try not to think about what he was bidding on, and I dread to think of how much money was placed.

"Luca," Dad's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, "I think it's best if you and especially Adelyn lay low for a while, let Anton cool off for a bit before, giving us time to assess the situation and figure out when we actually strike him,"

"I should lay low?" I ask in a dumbfounded voice, offended by the idea,

"Yes, and for once don't let your pride get in the way, we're talking about your wife's life here," he says coldly, giving me a look which used to scare me shitless when I was a kid, I inwardly groan as I know he's right, I can't do anything dumb which could jeopardise Adelyn's safety. I give him a curt nod and he smirks satisfactorily, now I know why everyone hates the famous De Santis smirk.

"My guess is that Anton most likely panicked after we got Adelyn back and retreated back to Russia," I tell the room, full of my family and men from my Mafia.

Dmitri nods, "I wouldn't be surprised, he is a coward. But he is also incredibly smart so you need to think 10 steps ahead of him at all times," the boy says, and I nod, thankful for his insight.

My phone suddenly rings and I go to decline before I see Adelyn's name, "I just need to take this, I'll be right back," I address the room, before answering the call and walking out of the room.

"Everything alright tesoro?" I ask, concerned as she knows I'm in an important meeting right now.

"Can you come get me please?" she asks, her voice sounding small,

"Of course, what's wrong Adelyn?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing,

"Nothing really, I just feel gross because I've been stuck at home for so long and I want to get out. But I know you're in an important meeting so you don't have to," my poor girl starts rambling but I cut her off. "Adelyn nothing is more important than you, I'll be there soon ok?"

"Thanks," she sighs, almost sounding relieved, "Of course, be ready when I get there ok?" I smile into my phone,

"I'm gonna go get ready now, see you soon!" she giggles, before the line goes dead.

I can't help but smile to myself as I put my phone back into my pocket and adjust my suit, walking back into the board room. "Meetings over, I have some more important business to attend to," I order,

Carlos' eyes fill with concern, "Is everything ok?" he asks,

I chuckle, "Everything's fine, my wife just wants to get out of the house so I'm taking her out for a late lunch,"

Carlos smirks at me, "Someone's whipped," he teases. I glare at him before walking out of the room and down to my car.

I make the short drive home and am happily surprised to be greeted by Adelyn sitting outside on the front steps, eagerly waiting for me. I get out of the car and open her door as she walks up to me, kissing my cheek as she steps into the car. I kiss her nose as I buckle up her seatbelt and close the door, my pretty girl.

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