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I pull up into our driveway and stop the car. I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean back in my seat, looking over to Adelyn.

I can't help but smile as she gazes out the window, her eyelids drooping as all the alcohol starts to catch up to her.

I get out and open the passenger side door. Adelyn gives me a lazy grin as she opens her arms for me. "Husbandddd," she drawls, starting to slip out of the car.

"Fuck," I grunt, sliding my arms under her to stop her from thudding onto the ground. I pick her up bridal style and carry her inside my family's house.

I choose to take her into my room so that I can keep an eye on her but as we walk past her room I hear the soft patter of paws beginning to follow us.

"Duchessss," Adelyn squeals, quite literally jumping out of my arms and running towards the fluffy cat.

Adelyn scoops Duchess up in her arms and sits on the ground stroking her, "Adelyn come on, I know you're upset at the moment but we need to get you to bed," I plead softly, as exhaustion begins to take over my body.

She looks me up and down and turns her nose up at me, I scoff and walk over and gently grip her chin, forcing her to look at me; "Don't you ever turn your nose up at me again you little shit," I grit out.

Her face goes red before her eyes widen and she covers her mouth. She immediately half runs, half stumbles into my ensuite and I hear her puke.

I groan and follow her to where she's kneeling by my toilet, violently throwing up. I kneel down next to her and hold her hair back, "Good girl," I say gently, beginning to rub her back, "Just get it all out,"

She hiccups and a slow year rolls down her cheek as her body shudders and she vomits again. "It hurts Luca," she whimpers, "My body hurts," she looks up at me and I feel my heart break at the look in her eyes.

She whips her head back into the toilet bowel and vomits again. "I know it hurts baby, but it'll all be over soon, just get it all out," I say softly, pressing a kiss onto her sweaty temple.

She sits upright and lets out a weak laugh, "Now that's two out of the three De Santis children who've held my hair back whilst I throw up,"

"Did you vomit already tonight with Val?" I ask, now concerned about how much alcohol she's consumed.

She shakes her head and retches again, her small frame now shaking as she vomits one last time. She wipes away a loose tear and I place her in my lap to stop her from sliding onto the floor.

"The day we signed the papers I threw up in the bathroom afterwards. Val helped me down from a panic attack and held my hair. I don't know why I vomited, my body just reacted funny," she says, her voice sounding more tired than I've ever heard before.

A wave of guilt washes over me as I start running my hands through her now tangled hair. "I'm sorry Adelyn," I murmur, "I had no idea,"

She stays quiet for a second before leaning into me, "It's not your fault," she whispers.

I pick her up and carry her to my bed, giving her one of my t-shirts to put on as I go flush the toilet and clean up the mess left on the ground.

When I return I find Adelyn lying in my black t-shirt, which engulfs her. She curled up on my bed, cuddling with Duchess.

I smile at the sight of them and go into my walk-in-robe, changing into some grey sweats.

Adelyn looks like she's almost asleep so I quickly make my way down to the kitchen to get a few plastic water bottles and then run back upstairs.

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