Stupid psychic

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*No ones POV*

Wednesdays eyes widened, Eugene started sprinting over as Wednesday slowly walked back over to the room.
As she walks in she notices everyone is crowding around Enid, smiling, laughing and talking. Not realizing Wednesday had entered

As Enid heard foot septs and saw through the corner of her eye, a figure as she glanced up, meeting Wednesdays gaze. Wednesday almost had a shocked face on as she analyzed Enids facial features. Everyone started to stop talking and looked back up at Wednesday, noticing the tension.

The only reason there WAS tension was because of the fact that Wednesday had pressed her fingers on Enids neck, checking for a pulse and hadn't felt one. She realized how much she truly needed her and wasn't sure how she would go on. She hadn't fully believed that Enid was truly gone but seeing her one that bed as lifeless as she was set out the flame that Enid had sparked in her. Causing her to freeze when seeing her face.

It was all just so shocking to her, and she didn't know how to react.

"Wednesday." Enid spoke up, unable to go through any more awkward silence.
Her soft voice was like music to Wednesdays ears, finally waking her out of her trans, she paused before starting to walk nonchalantly over to the werewolf.

"Now that you've awoken from your nap I'd assume that we're ready to escape from this sadistic penitentiary are we not?" Wednesday stared deeply into Enids eyes finding comfort from them, as Enid knew that, that look was her way of saying she was more than happy for her to be alive.   

Months of living with Wednesday had taught Enid her ways of showing compassion even if it were just through her eyes.

Enid nodded and smiled softly, as everyone else started to go back to their chatter, slowly making there way out of the room as both Enid and Wednesday hadn't moved from there positions.

Wednesday turned to Enid once more with a sorrowful look in her eyes that this time wasn't able to look at Enid "No tears for me this time huh?" Enid says jokingly, examining Wednesdays eyes as to what they might be thinking about.

"Please .. don't do that again." Wednesday blinked, Knowing well that Enid couldn't control weather or not she was going to get hurt. But she was just simply asking her to be more careful.

Wednesday still was not able to meet Enids gaze but could sense her smile. There was a pause before Enid laughs and says "Wasn't planning on it!" springing out of bed to hug Wednesday as she accepted her fate for a few seconds before pushing her off.

Wednesday does like Enid. She knows that. But she still isn't used to touch, no matter who it may be coming from.
the more touch she lets herself receive, the more she realizes she's more like her mother then she wanted to be. After all, it was Wednesdays greatest fear.

Enid knew Wednesdays boundaries but was slowly trying to weaken them. Not to hurt Wednesday but to try and help her.

She slowly slipped off of Wednesday, still her hand pressed on her arm slightly as she looked up to see Yoko staring at them with her arms crossed, waiting for them to finish their moment so they could get out of there, making Enid smile and skip over to her, Wednesday following behind Silently, stuck in thought.

As they walk down the hallway altogether Wednesday notices out of all the people Enid could be walking with she was slowing down to wait for her. To walk with her. Wednesdays heart fluttered, unable to realize she was lovable and Enid did in fact love her.

They walk side by side, their arms touching. Nothing that hasn't happened before but the all the feelings were just building up inside Wednesday, as for Enid, being completely clueless as to what she was doing. But the moment was ruined by more guards running through the hallway, lifting up their guns.

Everyone wanted to fight but didn't know how they would make distance seeing as if they ran at the guards, they would shoot.

"Lift your hands up." Wednesday whispered. "What!?" Voices from the crowd whispered back. "Do. It. Now." Wednesday whispered back harshly as everyone paused before lifting there hands up.

Wednesday knew they wouldn't shoot them. Not yet. Because the fact still stands that they truly were sadistic.
They would want to see them in the most pain that they could bring to them, Gain information, and then kill them.

The guards moved closer and closer, slowly by the minute. "When I say "now" , everyone follow my lead." Wednesday whispered back to the crowd as they paused before nodding. Trusting that whatever plan Wednesday came up with is probably the best they have seeing as non of Wednesdays plans ever failed to work.

Just as the guards were in range, and about to cuff them, Wednesday yelled "NOW!" before striking her palm on the ridge of the man infront of her nose, causing him to collapse and groan in pain, breaking his nose and sending shock waves to his brain.

Everyone quickly caught on and started attacking the attackers. There was only a few more guards then the group that Wednesday had brought. They would probably be able to win, evenly even though it wasn't even.

Jason tackled one, ripping his mask off and punching him in the face relentlessly. Xavier quickly drew bees and snakes as they quickly made there way from his sketch book, attacking and paralyzing the enemies as Yoko bit their necks, sucking their blood, making them go unconscious for a while.

Wednesday made sure to stay near Enid seeing as she wasn't fully healed. Even though that truth stands, she was still able to take on a fully grown man that had jumped on her. Wednesday wouldve helped if she could but was fighting a 2v1.

After all was said and done most of the guards were unconscious or dead. Enid managed to gut one on accident with her claws, making her feel sick to her stomach even though he was trying to kill her.

Everyone got back onto their feet with only a few scratches and bruises as
Jason lead them out of the building before they finally made their way into the woods.

It's been days since anyone last ate but they could manage the few more hours back to nevermore. They could. But Wednesday couldn't. She hadn't reminded anyone that she hadn't ate nor drank anything for a longer amount of time then the rest of the group did,
With every step she felt dizzier.

  She had trained for this but it seemed the last couple of months she was spoiled with the food nevermore had been giving her that she lost the ability to go for weeks without food or water.

Everything felt hot for her as if the sun was beating down directly above her. She closed her eyes as she walked, trying to push the temptation of falling on the ground and stay there, passed her.
She wasn't weak. She didn't need anybody's help. Is what she kept thinking.
It felt as if her mind just repeated the same thing. But before she knew it, she was on the ground. She hadn't even felt the impact.

*Enids POV*

I think we've been walking for a mile already, I'm not entirely sure. No one is looking too good, Wednesday especially. Her eyes are closed as if she is sleep walking, and she's sweating a lot. It's only 50 degrees out and Wednesday is definitely in shape so I don't know why.

Just as I walked over to her she collapsed into my arms. "Wednesday?" No answer. Now everyone's turning around and jogging over "what happened?" Emiko says. I almost forgot she was here, she had barley talked the whole time of being here.

"I don't know? She just fainted. What's wrong with her?" I question the group in a worried voice. There was a pause before yoko says "She hadn't eaten or drank anything since we found you. She was out here for days before we joined her." "Ive forgotten about that." She says through a sigh.

My heart dropped

She was out here? looking for me? Oh no. Did I cause this?

I quickly turn back to the unconscious girl, trying to get her into a position that would be easy to run with while holding her. She needs to get back to nevermore and go to the nurse quickly. I dont know much about health and stuff but I do know that she's looking really bad right now.

"Ok, were picking up the trail let's go!" Jason says as I sprint infront of him with Wednesday on my shoulder.

Why would she do all of this for me?

You Stupid stupid psychic.

1498 words.

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now