Crying Is For The Weak

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Guards swept the room, slowly making there way towards both Enid and Wednesday as one guard. The only guard with a colored red and black suit came out from the crowd.

He walked in front of Wednesday and looked back at Enid. Then back at Wednesday without saying a word.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked. But he didn't have a voice changer. His voice seemed very familiar to both Wednesday and Enid but they couldn't catch their tongue on who it reminded them of.

"Take off your mask." Wednesday said under her breathe but forcefully. She was holding a knife behind her back and was ready to attack even though there was an army behind the suited man.

There was a pause before he looked down, then lifted his gun up which made Enid flinch, but it wasn't for them.

The man glanced at Enid then quickly turned around and shot his men, quicker then you could blink. They didn't even have time to run.

The noise of the machine gun made Enid shake but Wednesday stood tall. Yet a bit confused.

He turned to them and took his mask off.

His bandana.

Enid gasps as Wednesday sighs as Jason himself was staring right back at her.

"I've been in This business my entire life, and I was sent out to nevermore. To take you hostage." He glares at Wednesday.

Wednesday stares back at him with a shocked yet hidden expression.

"Why." She says under her breathe. Making Jason take a deep breathe before answering. Her question

"My dad." He starts to take off his armored suit then his shirt revealing multiple scars around his torso as he tossed Wednesday a pair of keys.

  "That will help you get out, You guys..changed me. Thank you." He says as a smile appears on his face. He raises his gun to his head then pulls the trigger.



*click* He looks up as Wednesday jumps on him, not realizing his gun had no more bullets.

"You stupid kid!" Wednesday yells, quickly taking his Pistole away.
"We've all made mistakes but this is your worst one yet." Wednesday calls out.

"Why do you still want me to live!" He yells

"Because we're friends!" Wednesday cringed at her own words but it was the truth that he needed to hear.

His eyes lit up with even more tears. The fact is that Jason grew up with both an abusive mother and an abusive father. He's never had real friends nor a real childhood, it's something he's always wanted.

"We need to keep move-" Wednesday notices Enid still sitting there but with her eyes closed, sitting in a pool of her own blood.

"She's losing too much blood! Jason help me." She grabs Enid and pulls her closer as Jason runs over.

Wednesday is face to face with the unconscious girl. Shes closer to her then the last time they hugged at the gates of Nevermore.

Forgetting when they kissed.

Wednesday doesn't blush or move. But it seems the closer she gets to Enid the more safer she feels. Being close to her feels like a warm hug to you. But to Wednesday it feels like a knife to the heart. (Of course. That is a good thing.)

Wednesday started to pull the girl into a bridal style carry. As she begun to sit up, Jason helped somewhat. "Follow me. There's a hospital here."

Wednesday pauses before nodding. Unsure if she's able to trust him after what he pulled. Normally her go to madow is to never trust anyone but she didn't have a choice this time which she really hated.

Enid could die if she doesn't get the help she needs and Wednesday can take care of her but she doesn't have the proper requirements too.

She follows behind Jason as Enids blood drips down chest, soaking her clothes.

they finally make there way to the ER which was empty.

Wednesday quickly lays Enid down on a bed as she tells Jason what to get her. At this point most of the building was empty so they were able to get what they needed without trouble.


Wednesday cuts Enids pant leg open so she can access the stab better. She pokes a needle through and through out her wound in order to hopefully close it.

Jason stands by and watches before Wednesday tells him to go downstairs and find the others, as he does.

Wednesday turns back to Enid, finally finishing up and cutting the Stich.

"Enid." She says under her breathe, shoving her gently but not really expecting an answer.

She sits down in a chair and moves closer to the injured girl just staring at her but finally deciding to place two fingers on her neck, checking for a pulse just to be sure. . .


"Enid?" Wednesdays calls out, her voice sounding of panic as she gets up to feel her pulse once more.


Wednesday pauses from shock, Her eyes wide and empty. Unable to comprehend the possibility that Enid doesn't have a heartbeat. "I must've checked it wrong."
Is all she could rethink over and over. "No." She says under Her breathe, quickly getting on top of Enid, putting her hands on her chest. Pumping down on it "1. 2. 3. 4. 5." Up too thirty then finally putting her mouth onto Enids. Giving her breathe and hopefully life.

"I swear if you die on me I will never forgive you Sinclair." She says, fighting off tears from even forming. Trying to remain the heartless and emotionless Addams shes was before meeting Enid that is.

"Wednesday?" A high pitched voice sounded from behind hers, It was Yoko.

Wednesday didn't stop the CPR. She didn't even look back.

Yoko walked to the side of Wednesday and Enid. She looked up at Wednesday. Her whole body was tensed. She was letting out low growls every time she exhaled. She had never seen Wednesday like this.

"Do you know how to do cpr." Wednesday said calmly, before pressing her mouth to Enids once more.

"Don't tell me..shes." Yoko Said, she could feel tears welding in her eyes as her throat got dry. She knew the answer.

Her best friend was dead.

Wednesday didn't answer. "Let me." Jason offers, trying to give Wednesday a break.

She got off as Jason continues the motion.

Wednesday walks out of the room, it seemed like she was looking for something or someone.
Probably to let off steam on. It was obvious she was blaming herself again. If only she stopped talking to Jason and payed more attention to Enid she would still probably be alive.

As she closes the door she feels more tears fighting to escape, fighting to humiliate herself. She tried so hard to push them away but the more she fought the more hopeless she felt, Engaging the tears.

She takes out a knife and puts it to her stomach. "If you cry, You die." She says to herself, Sniffling and ready to puncture a wound into herself.

"Wednesday." Eugene calls out. As he walks up to her and places his hand on her shoulder, and reaches his hand out slowly to grab the knife from her hand. "My moms.. say it's never..weak to cry." He finally spits out.

His words mean nothing to Wednesday, as she's been told that millions of times. Crying is weak, People can use it to their advantage. The only person who would never, Ever use it to their advantage was Enid. And now she was gone.

"WEDNESDAY AND EUGENE!" Someone calls their name, causing them to look over. It was Yoko again. She had tears running down behind her glasses but a huge smile to top it off.


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