Something Evil

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No One's POV Time: 11:23

Enid and Wednesday enter the building, looking up to see there is no roof. Just stars and a moon. It's beautiful "woahhh" Enid gasps. The rest of the students walk in looking up at the ceiling as well. "Let's go Enid." Wednesday says as Enid looks at her, nodding.

They walk around most of the building, there was fencing, a gym, a in ground pool, there was a diner, with every restaurant you can think of connected to it. There was so many amazing things that you could only dream of having. It was all here. Wednesday didnt care while enids mouth was on the floor.

  Finally they found there way to the library "about time."Wednesday says while walking through the door. The doorframe was huge, even a giant could fit through it. The bookshelf's were bigger then any bookshelf. Enid swears she almost saw wednesday crack a smile but Wednesday refuses to admit it everytime she brings it up.

*Wednesdays POV*
There was speakers in every corner playing classical music, this was my type of library. By this time it was 3 am and everything was dark. "We should look more into this tomorrow I think..." enid says "you can, I'm staying." Enid sighs "Okay but come up soon, you know where we'll be sleeping right?" "Yeah" "and we have to sleep in a room with 2 other people, Yoko and Emiko by the way" enid says" what why" I ask "I don't know we just have to. Im gonna go to sleep now goodluck!!" Enid says while tiredly walking away.

I turn back to the library "okay human emotions, where are you?" I say out loud while looking through the books.


6 am: "excuse me?" "Hey!" "WAKE UP!" I jumped realizing I was on the ground with a book in my hand. Actually a lot of books in my hand. I look up to see a old woman with her hands on my shoulder shaking me awake.

I really need to get out of this sleeping habit.

I push her hands off, and stand up hiding the books. "Uhh" I really don't know what to say so I just stare her in the eyes, some reason it made her nervous. "your not allowed to sleep here. You need to leave please." She says as I walk past her without a word and make my way to my room with 2 books in my hand.

I opened the door to see everyone sitting up talking to eachother only for all they're attention to be on me. "WHERE THE HELL. HAVE YOU BEEN?" Enid yells, getting up and walking up to me, "The teachers came up to our room asking where you were, I was worried." Enid says. "Enid was about to cry" Yoko says laughing "I WAS NOT!" Enid yells "I'm flattered but I just want.." I slowly lay down on my bed, immediately falling asleep. 

I guess I was way more tired then I thought I was.

*No one's pov*

Enid quickly runs over to Wednesday placing a blanket over her, Making the books she was holding fall out of her hand. yoko noticed this and picked them up while looking at the covers. "Human emotions" she thinks to herself smirking and looking up at Enid while hiding the books behind her, understanding exactly what that means.

"Did you find something yoko?" Enid asks "nopee" yoko says smiling at Enid and shoving the books in Wednesdays desk. "I'm gonna go to sleep as well, I suggest you do the same Enid." Yoko says as Enid nods turning off the light to end the night.



*Wednesdays POV*
*ClaNkK* I hear a vase bottle fall and shatter. quickly I lift my body up looking around, everyone around me is sleeping. I can hear Enids quiet but noticeable growls. Im surprised she wasn't awoken by that sound as well.

I get up and walk near where the sound was just to see glass broken on the ground. I bend over to curiously pick the pieces up only to look up and see writing on the wall in red. Just then, feeling a sharp pain in my leg.

looking down I realize my whole leg is bleeding none stop. I gasp falling down, making a quiet bang sound.

*No Ones POV*

Enids eyes flash open as she slowly start looking around for the noise that had awoken her from her slumber. Only to see a figure sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall.

"Wednesday?" She groans and get out of bed and walking towards the girl on the floor, still half asleep and curious. It was too dark to identify who it was but due to the type of clothes she was wearing and that Wednesday wasn't in bed anymore she thought it was her.

Enid gasps as she looks down at Wednesday as Wednesday covers her wound from Enid. It didn't stop her from seeing the pool of blood, swarming around her leg though. "Wednesday what happened?" She says, still not taking her eye off the bloodied floor. "I..I'm not sure." She says, taking her eyes off the ground, now looking straight at the girl.

Enid looked at the broken glass then looking up at the writing. "We want blood." She read out loud while leaning down to Wednesdays level.

"What the hell." She says before Finally turning back to Wednesday.

Wednesday felt so overwhelmed. All of this had just happened under 30 seconds. She was already under a lot of stress and this just made it worse. She felt like her brain was fried and her head was on fire. She couldn't talk or breathe causing her to start hyperventilating.

"Wednesday?!" Enid calls out as she moves closer to her.

Wednesdays breathes left her mouth faster each time and Enid had no idea what was going on.
Can Wednesday Addams even be allowed to go into shock? What the hell is going on? So many questions and thoughts went through Enids mind, almost distracting her from the fact that Wednesday actually was in shock and she needed to do something about it.

After a long pause Enid wrapped her hands gently around Wednesday as she quickly huffed in then out over and over a few more times but slowly started to calm down.

"I got you." She whispers, trying to comfort Wednesday as Wednesday took a few more quick breathes before sighing.

"Enid." She finally calls out, in a firm voice while moving back from the girl as Enid leaned up straight, making eye contact as a gesture that she was listening.

Wednesday paused. Stopping herself from saying anything that she had wanted to, while Enid ignored this she took Wednesdays sleeve. "Let's wrap you up first before you say anything." She says while staring at the stream of blood that streamed out of Wednesdays leg.

Wednesday clenched her jaw, while pushing her chin up while sighing before she eventually nodded and followed Enid to the bathroom.

1178 Words.

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now