The plan

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*No One's POV*

Everyone Arrived at the cave, Yoko, Wednesday, Enid, Ajax, Xavier, Bianca,Jason,Emiko, and Eugene. Obviously Eugene was here he wouldn't miss seeing a rare bug or lizard if it was the death of him.

The group goes in a circle with Jason in the middle "We will split in 2 since the cave splits in 4 ways. Good?" Jason asks, everyone nods but Wednesday.
"ok find your partners....OH and someone needs to be on the lookout just in case Mrs.Greene or one of the teachers comes looking for us.

*Wednesdays POV*
This has got to be the lamest thing I've ever done, but as long as Enids safe I'm alright. I look over at enid she's talking and laughing with Ajax, I can't help but feel a little angry that shes not focused on the cave, instead focused on her gorgon boyfriend.

A few minutes later Enid turns to me. "Ajax and I discussed, he'll go with Emiko and I can go with you" Enid claims.

"The groups are Wednesday and Enid, Ajax and Emiko, Bianca and Xavier, me and Yoko, and Eugene will stay on guard. Like a pussy" Jason says coldly "HEY! Im just claustrophobic." Eugene says. "Whatever" Jason says

"Let's Go."

I know the chapters short, Apologies.

217 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now