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*No One's POV*

     *Everyone make your way down the auditorium for our headcount.*

Wednesday, Yoko, Enid and Emiko were all walking down the hallway when Jason ran up behind them pushing his arm around Eimikos neck "I heard a kid died" Jason says in a creepy voice "Get off of me!" Emiko says while pushing Jason's arm off her "Why are you here?" Emiko says hoping he'll get lost. "I have rights too you know" He says with both his arms out, shrugging, still walking with the group.

"The reason they're taking our headcount is because a students missing." He says in his serious voice." "Wait really?" Enid asks "even your gothy roommate knows it, she's smarter the she looks I guess" he says to annoy Wednesday. She's too focused on what happened last night for just that to get to her.

After her panic attack she had Enid go back to sleep as she checked through the rest of the room to make sure there wasn't anyone there. She hadn't found anyone but found evidence there was.

"How do you know someone's missing?" Wednesday asks Jason, he looks at her, then back at the hallway pausing for a moment then frowning. "everyone knows." He says while splitting from the group, walking lifelessly down the stairs.

"What was that all about." Emiko says glaring at him walking down the steps. "He's definitely up to something." Yoko says, looking at Emiko. "I'm gonna make sure he doesn't get in any trouble." Yoko says, walking away from the pack.

The group arrives at the auditorium just as Mrs Greene walks onto the stage
And a group of boys start clapping as a joke.

She gives a sad smile before saying "I love joking but how's not the time." She says pausing and before continuing. "3 kids have gone missing."
They're names are Eugene, Monica, and Cathryn. If you happen to even have little knowledge as to where they could be please report back to me at an instant." Mrs Greene says while walking off stage with a frown as another teacher comes out to talk more about the subject.

Suddenly the crowd goes loud, gasps,shouting

"So Jason wasn't lying." Enid says looking and Wednesday whose been silent for most the day. "They have Eugene too.." enid says looking down

"Where is jason anyways?" Emiko says before getting flicked in the for head by Jason walking up to the group with Yoko behind him. Emiko glares at him about to yell at him before he interrupts her saying "we should check this out. I mean tonight." He says "WHAT? YOUR CRAZY. " Enid says, getting cut off by Wednesday. "The first time ive ever agreed with you." "When do we meet up." Wednesday says "WEDNESDAY?" Enid yells.

"Enid. Eugene is our friend. He ended up in the hospital last year. because of me. I'm not letting that happen again, Never again." Enid gulps "where do we even look?" Yoko says looking at Jason
He smiles at her then turning to the rest of the group saying "meet at the haunted lake around the woods. Same time we met at the cave last time." Then he walks off. Enid nudges Yoko smirking, Yoko was starring at Jason walk away and Enid caught her in the act.

Emiko squeals running up to yoko "YOU LIKE HIM?" The 3 students get in a conversation about boys forgetting the fact they're friends could be in danger. Wednesday rolls her eyes and walks away, yoko notices this and stops talking while the other 2 are freaking out.

Wednesday walks to the library to find a book on the school history to find something to help the investigation.

"Thanks for checking out this book. no one's ever checked it out before, Let me know if you need anything." The librarian adds. Just as Wednesday was about to walk back to a table she heard distant voices. "So yoko why are we here again." "To help Wednesday."Yoko says. Wednesday sighs "it's them." She finishing the walk to the table, sitting down, and opening her book.

"Hey Wednesday, you need help with anything?" Enid asks "normally I'd say no but read through these books, we need to learn about what we're dealing with. Before we go out tonight." Wednesday says. Each of the girls take a book and find a place to sit and read.
But of course that's not what happened.

744 words.

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now