The cave

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*Wednesdays POV*

   Me and Enid enter the cave, it's really dark and these flashlights barley do anything,
I'm infront of course because Enid was the one who dragged me here and now that we're actually here she's to scared to move.

I sigh "okay okay I'm good I'm good"  she says under her breathe "I'm not used to the dark" she says looking behind her. I roll my eyes and continue walking. Definitely something we don't have in common. I grew up in the dark, actually to the point where I can see through it better then a normal human can.

where now half way in the cave (15 minutes in the cave)
Enid keeps bumping into me, I can tell she's Terrified, It's kinda funny.

  I don't know what we're looking for I kinda like caves, Endless darkness that's probably been here for millions of years. A very low but noticeable splash in the water interrupted my thoughts, making me turn around fast. I heard it riht behind me and Enid, "WHAT?" Enid yells. I guess even with her werewolf hearing she didn't pick up on it.

I pause before answering "nothing I guess" I slowly turn back. I know I heard something.
Im just surprised Enid didnt.

  We begin walking again for a few minutes before I hear the same noise again, this time louder. Enid heard it to this time and turned around when I did. Just then, both flashlights turned off.

*Emiko and Ajax POV*

Talking the whole time we finally get on topic.
so how did you and Enid meet?" Ajax asks to break the silence. "Well I first met her through Wednesday, I met Wednesday first." Emiko says "what about you?"

"I met her at a coffee shop actually, I used to work there. She used to order a small latte with 4 scoops of sugar and-" he was interrupted by There flashlights burning out. "Ajax?" "I'm here" "what happened?" "I don't know"

a piece of the cave ceiling fell down hitting the water

  Emiko jumped back, they heard the same thing enid and Wednesday did. "what the hell was that?" Ajax asks "I DONT KNOW I CANT SEE" "where are you" Emiko asks "here." Ajax replies, Emiko starts feeling around just as she feels Ajax's face.

there was an Awkward silence....broken by a kiss.

Emiko presses her lips on ajax and ajax kisses back, rubbing his hand down her back. The kiss lasted about 8 seconds before Emiko broke the kiss and saying "OMG YOUR DATING ENID IM SO SORRY IM SORRY"
"It's okay I promise." Ajax says. His hand was still on her face. As he kisses her again.

*Enid and Wednesdays Pov*
"What do we do" Enid whined, I felt her grab my shirt and get close to me. She was shaking.
"Your very close to me" I say in a unenthusiastic voice "sorry" she still doesn't let go of me but backed up a little. "WHAT DO WE DO" she yells, making me wince.

"Keep going" I made her go in front of me since the sound was behind us. What if it's this damn cave. What if it's falling apart. Thats a possibility but what if it's not and I make the fatal mistake of turning back. Wednesday thinks.  Enid takes her hand and leads her so she didn't get lost as if there wasn't any other way to go other than straight.
"Enid I think we should go back"
"so just walk till we get lost?" Enid stops. Waits a few second, Then turns to me.

"I'm sorry I brought you here I didn't know this would happen."

"it's okay, this just makes it more interesting" Wednesday says trying to make her feel better
But it didn't work. Enid sighs "I wonder what the others are doing." She says
"Walking" Wednesday jokes even though her face was straight, trying to make her feel better again. Enid chuckles while holding Wednesdays hand tighter.

"What?" Wednesday says "nothing just don't get lost or I'm gonna cry" Enid jokes "..." "OKAY OKAY IM JOKING IM JUST SCARED AND I CANT SEE ANYTHING" Enid yells "ENID DONT" Wednesday yells even louder causing rocks on the ceiling start to fall "ffffu-" Wednesday pulls Enid as the falling rocks collide with the water.

  Enid runs to Wednesday as they turn around, running the other way they came from. "Where are you going" was said by someone unknown in the most silent voice not even a mouse could hear.
Sadly Enid isn't a mouse.

They escaped it "Wednesday. WEDNESDAY! I heard something." Enid says forcefully. "What?" Wednesday says. "I HEARD SOMETHING BEHIND US WHEN WE RAN OUT OF THERE." wednesday sighs "if this happened to anyone else they probably are regrouping where we were before entering, so it's probably best to go back"
It's still pitch black but enid nods and they regroup back at the center.

" wednesday sighs "if this happened to anyone else they probably are regrouping where we were before entering, so it's probably best to go back" It's still pitch black but enid nods and they regroup back at the center

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                    Supposedly what the place they were before they entered the cave looks like.

844 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now