A Pupa

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*Eugene's POV*

I woke up. Everything was blurry. I felt cold, hungry and thirsty. As I slowly picked myself up I realized I was in a cage. I looked down and found myself sitting in a puddle of my own blood. What? I'm bleeding? I checked around my body even though my mind still felt fuzzy. Then I remembered.

Flashback -

As I sit in the middle of the woods waiting for everyone to exit the cave I have to be on the lookout for anyone, any teachers. "Ahh this is so boring." I talk to myself as I start stepping near a tree. There's a pupa hanging from a tree "COOL!" I start smiling.


I quickly turn around only to find nobody standing there. I swear I heard something?
Boom. Everything turned dark.

After that I only had glimpses of me being dragged across the woods by a man in dark clothes. His face was covered, That's all I remember before falling back into a trance. Only to be awoken, sitting down with 2 other kids about my age. I think I've seen them before. There were lined up beside me.

"PLEASE IM SORRY NO NO!" one girl starts screaming before blood splatters from the back of her head. As the other girl screams.


I take a look over at the figure holding a gun. The shape makes me think it's male, he's dressed in all black and a gas mask covering his face. He turned to me and bent down right infront. "Looks like someone just woke up" The man calls out in a joking tone of voice.

"How about you?" He says. This time in a serious, interrogating voice. "What do you want?" I say, my voice is all wobbly. "Aww is he scared?" The man says, tilting his head. He has a dark voice. One you'd here in movies.

"What DO YOU WANT." I yell out. My voice is firm this time. It made me sound strong, Just for him to stab me in the stomach. Making me gasp.
I've never felt such pain. I could legitimately feel it inside me, cutting everything in its way and almost exiting from my back. "Don't go wising up on me now." He says. He pulled his knife out, creating a even bigger cut as he leans down with his face getting closer to mine.
Then lights out again.

Everything went dark.

Once again I woke up on the floor but leaning against the wall. There's a girl on the floor infront of me. She was sitting with her head tucked into her knees. She's The girl from the line, she looks so sad. "Where...where are we?" I say under my breathe, causing her to look up at me and pause before answering.

"Hell." She says in a wobbly voice as a single tear falls from her eye. Making me gulp down what I was going to say next.

"He-...that monster..He killed my sister right in front of me." She says, choking on her own words from her tears and spit.

I did the only thing I could think of, the only thing I could do. I got up and hugged her even though I've never talked to her in my life before this. She tucked her head in my shoulder and I felt her cry even harder. I felt the stab wound in my abdomen tear open making me grunt and fall on top my knees holding my stomach.

She looked up "Are you okay?" She said, still crying while holding her hand inches from my wound and the other inches from my shoulder. "I don't know, It...It hurts!" I say as I pinch my eyes closed from the pain. "Let me see it." She says as she puts her hand over my shirt.

I nod as she lifts my shirt, Blood poured out. I heard her gasp as she saw it. "It's .. really deep." She says looking me in the eye then back down at it. "I know how to sew, maybe I can try stitching it okay?" She asks. "What's your name?" I ask back. Making her pause. "I'm Monica. What about you?" "Eugene." "Nice to meet you." She says with a slight smile. I nod, smiling back. but as soon as she ripped a part of fabric from off her shirt the door opened.

"Bring her." A voice from outside said as Another man looking figure came in and grabbed her. I tried to fight him off but My wound was to deep to even stand up. All I could do was grab the man's leg.

He hit me with something hard. The Back of a gun maybe. But I was knocked out cold. Actually I found out aside from the blood loss and concussion. I was in a coma.
It's been about 2 weeks in that coma.

That's how I woke up here.

On the cold ground all alone.

All alone.

I did nothing to help her, why didn't I try harder. She's probably dead by now because you got knocked out from one little hit. She seemed so sweet.

Tears formed in my eyes, I couldn't feel anything other than guilt. I have to help her.

*BOOM* The whole building started shaking, like a bomb just blew up or something.

I wonder what that was. Maybe I can get out of here. I think to myself as I hear men shouting and running with they're guns.

What the hell is going on??

926 words

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