Rain And Thunder

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—— Flashback. ——

*plop* *plop* *plop* I heard as A cold water droplet drips on my cheek. The Rain tumbled down more quickly now, Making the rest of the forest foggy and creating a small puddle inside each of the footsteps we have been following.

The sad, Gray sky spread coldness throughout my heart The more I looked. I closed my eyes and smiled as rain pored down my face, my chest, my hair. Soaking everything it touches.  Rain has always had a place in my heart. How cold and strong it was. How determined and angry It was. This type of weather is my favorite weather. It calms me, It knows me. It is Me.

*CRACK* A slapping noise spread throughout the forest as a blue branch of lightning spread across the sky.

My thoughts cause me to forget everything for a moment, I felt free and weightless..before I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

"We should move faster, look." A voice sounded from behind me. It was Jason. He pointed to the footsteps as they were slowly washing away, reminding me as to why we were here.

I quickly Look back up at him nodding, beginning to almost run, trying to pick up the pace but not too fast. "We have to move faster, It's foggy so stick together. Everyone follow the person in front of you." Said a voice behind me, once again it being Jason's. He was a good leader.


The footsteps have almost been completely erased, but I can tell we where almost there. Just as I thought to myself I looked up, stopping myself in my tracks.

A large stone building.

I quickly turned around to face everyone as They gather around. "I think this is where Enid is But before we do anything, we have to be sure." I say as everyone nods
Everyone gets into 2 teams as we try to find an opening.

"Here!" I call out as I stand in front of a tall wooden door.

Everyone quickly rushes to me "How do we get in its locked?" Xavier says as I bend down to the lock, placing 2 medal sticks inside the hole rattling them around.  *click* "We have to assume there will be guards, be ready." I call out as I quickly push the door open.

"Hey you can't be in here!" 2 men in black jumpsuits with a black gas mask call out. Now that's my type of style.

"GO" Jason calls out as we rush the 2 men onto the ground, pulling there masks off. as I put my blade to the man's throat. "Where is She."

I could tell he was scared but I'm not leaving without an answer. "H-who?" He spits out finally. "Enid." I Pause before continuing "blond girl, blue, pink highlights." I say. He looks at me confused "She's going to kill me if I tell you anything!" He yells "And IM GOING TO KILL YOU if you DONT!" I yell back in his face. "Wednesday." Yoko says grabbing my arm trying to calm me.

I glance at her then back at him. "I'm losing patience.." I say as I dig my blade into his skin slightly, causing him to groan. "Okay! Okay...I don't know exactly where she is but I do know there's a man handling her or should be right now, I think she's on the 5th floor! THATS ALL I KNOW!" He yells as I quickly get up, retracting my blade back into my sleeve. "What do you mean "handling her" ?" Yoko says holding him down as I walk away, Jason following me.
"Wednesday where are you going?" Emiko calls out "Jason?" She calls out once more. "Where do you think" I say as I leave the room with Jason behind me.

We arrive too a long narrow hallway. A bunch of doors on each side. "Check left, I'll check right." Jason nods before running too the first door on the left.


"No one's here? There all empty."

"Mine too" I say in response.

"AHHHH" We both turn to hear distant screaming coming from downstairs. It sounded like a girl. It sounded like they were in pain. "Come on!" Jason yells.

We turn around the corner, finally too see a girl on the floor with a knife stabbed into her leg while bleeding from her stomach. I don't recognize her at first but I feel like I've seen her before.

I quickly run over, placing my hand on her stomach. "DONT pull it out." I shout at Jason as he pulled his hand away the the knife. "What happened?" I ask finally turning to look at the girl. She seems so familiar, this is bugging me.

She gasps, opening her mouth trying to spit out words. "H- H-" she pauses "Help my friend. I'm done f-f-for." She says, letting out a big breathe as a tear falls from her eye. "Your wound dont seem that serious which means you may survive this." I say, taking off my jacket and holding it to her stomach. "Put pressure on this and No matter how much it hurts do not take that knife out." I Stand up "Where is your friend." I look back at her. As she points. "Down there." I look over to see a staircase leading down to a dark tunnel like structure. I Look back at her "I need to know something else..Do you know if another girl is here, she has Blonde hair with blue and pink highlights. Her name is Enid Sinclair.

  "I- I don't know- AH!" she groans in pain "We all were taken here. My sister...Eugene." She groans in pain again. "you said Eugene?" I say walking closer to her. "Yea. He was in the same cell as me. He got stabbed pretty bad. Please you need to help him!"

I look over at Jason then back at the door.
Both me a Jason push with all our might, straining ourselves, but no matter how hard we tried it wouldn't budge. it doesn't seem to be locked either. We took a moment too catch our breathe before Jason interrupted the silence.

"Wednesday." He points over to a large gas tanker a few feet from the door. The thought sparked a smirk across my face. How did I not see that. "That's one way to make an entrance.

Let's do this." He says as I pull a lighter from my hand.

1086 words.

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