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*Wednesday POV*

"Hello student welcome to my class "Coercive control " here we will be learning how to control your power, I'm sure we will have plenty of fun together. My name is Mrs.Abate I'm so happy to meet you all! You may all choose your seat 2 people at each table."

Great. The worst part of the year. Everyone enters the room and chooses a friend to sit with
And I'm just here. It's not that I care that I don't have any friends. I just don't know where to sit, And I really hate not knowing things. I look around and feel someone tap me on the shoulder making me turn to see a brunette girl.

"Hello my name is Emiko, since we both don't have partners I think we should sit together?"
I paused before nodding and sitting down. Enid was sitting with yoko behind us-
"so what's your name?" A voice interrupts my thoughts.

This is getting annoying.. I stare at her before speaking up. "we are sitting together because we don't have partners, not because we're best friends. " I turn back to the teacher "jeez so much for being nice" she says.

-mid class-

I'm taking notes and I CAN FEEL HER STARING at me. What is her deal. I hate when people stare at me, I slowly turn my head to be eye to eye in her gaze, I give her a death stare before she quickly looks away.
I'm just gonna ignore it for now. If she has a problem she can speak up.

*Enids POV*
I can tell Wednesdays getting annoyed. It's funny, just as I'm about to laugh I hear "what are you so happy about" to my left.

I turn to Yoko, she has a confused look on her face before turning to look at who I was looking at and slowly turns back to me smiling "Your dating Ajax man" she says widening her smile. "WHAT I DONT LIKE WEDNESDAY!" I yell loud enough for the whole class to hear. As everyone gets quiet, including the teacher. I quickly cover my mouth with my hands realizing what I just did.

I did not just do that bro.. I turn to look at Wednesday shes staring at me with a confused look..everyone's staring at me..SHIT.. Yokos trying not to laugh with her hands covering her mouth and quietly snickering into them.

Why the hell did I yell. put my head down in my arms due to embarrassment.. kill me right now...

424 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now