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*Enid POV*

       I walk downstairs and sit at the table noticing everyone's staring "what?"
I say under my breathe. "Nothing I'm just glad your here" my mom says  "yeah" echoes from everyone. I smile and begin eating as everyone else does too.

I can feel my mom starring at me through my skull. I look up, we make eye contact for a while. I have food in my mouth and decide to go back to eating, ignoring her. It's not unusual for her too be giving me her judging eye.

"So! Enid." My mom says clearing her throat.
My heart drops. I know what this is about but what do I say when she asks. *i sigh* well I'll just tell her the truth I guess. "yes?" I say.

"Have you wolfed out yet?" My mom says with a smile on her face. I shake my head yes. She yelps in excitement "I knew you would, I'm so proud...Can you show me then?" She asks. Show her?? What is she talking about, I thought I could only transform at full moons.. Wait what do I do. How do I even transform again!? I think to myself as I lose thought of everything. "uhhh right now?" I ask, she nods.

My siblings stop eating and stare at both me and my mom, along with my dad. What do I do, what do I do? "well I don't think right now would be-" I start trying to get off topic but she interrupts me with "Enid transform." Looking at me with that same old disappointed look she had when I told her I couldn't wolf out last year.

I feel my eyes start heating up, forming tears "I don't know how I did it" I finally spit out
"My friend was in trouble and- and." I pause realizing I'm showing too much emotion, I sigh trying to catch my breathe before finishing my sentence. "And it just happened."

My mom starres at me for a while, finally turning around and walking away.

Shit shit SHIT. I Look back at the table full of stares, not saying a word before walking back to my room feeling tears about to fall out of my eyes. When will this change?.. 

I get to my room and lay on my bed "what now?" I say aloud.
I take out my phone and look in my contacts "Eugene" "yoko" "Wednesday" "Ajax!" I press FaceTime hoping he answers. I could really use someone to talk to other then my mother.
He picks up "Hey Enid what's up?" He says "nothing much, we'll kind of. I told my parents I wolfed out" I say "really?! How did it go?" "Well my mom wanted me to wolf out right infront of her. How do I even do that. I looked like an idiot because I didn't know how I freaking wolfed out last time" I say

"Oh word. Are you alright?" He asked "WORD?" DID HE JUST SAY "OH WORD" I NEED COMFORT HERE.
"Uh yeah I am" I say " I just wanted someone to talk to." "You can always talk to me whenever you feel you have too" he says. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU AFTER THAT "oh word" yea right!!! "Okay thank you Ajax! I'm going to probably go to sleep now but thank you" "of course!" I Hang up and lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling slowly drifting off to sleep.

                                                      *Wednesdays POV*

A few days past I still don't understand this. I've done all I could but I can't trace this damn number. They did a real good job covering for themselves if not even I can trace them.

           I've heard news about when nevermore is opening up again from Enids website.
I can't help but feel relived and kind of.....excited, I've never really experienced excitement since my mother would take me out to grave dig up a corpse of one that pissed her past self off. Or when I'd use a iron rod to burn Pugsly awake every time he slept through his alarm.
Or of course breaking and entering with a terrified Enid aside me. I guess what I'm saying is I'm looking forward to this.

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711 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now