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*Enids POV*
Ah oww..

The back of my head hurts so bad what even happened, I'm so nauseous.
I sigh looking around realizing everything's black. Where .. am I?

Just then someone takes something off my head, exposing a bright flash around me. Did he just take .... A bag off me?

Where the hell am I!?

I remember being in the bathroom that's all I remember from that party, I remember nothing before that. I blacked out in the bathroom. Wait my head. Shit.
I must've gotten hit.

A figure with a black mask walks infront of me causing me to panic. "Who are you." I ask "shh I'm not going to hurt you..well I am if you don't...cooperate" The man said. He had a voice changer or something because he didn't sound human.

He had cologne on,

if I can memorize it.

"What does "cooperate" mean? W- what do you want?" I call out "Information." He says walking closer to me as I try to push back In my chair as far as I could.

What does he want to do to me. I want to go home. What if no one knows where I am. What if I die here. No, I can't.
Damn it.

Im scared.

*Wednesday POV*
"Where was the last place you saw her?!" Yoko yells while entering the dorm behind Wednesday.
"Wednesday whats happening?" Thing signs. I Pause before answering
"I already told you everything." I say coldly, getting up from my bed to find an item of Enids.

"She felt like she was going to throw up so she went to the bathroom. But when I came in to look for her, she was gone."

"I haven't seen here since then." I turn around to face Yoko and thing

"Do you have any Idea where she might be? You guys where pretty drunk last night She might've wondered off." Yoko says "YOU WERE DRINKING!?" Thing signs.
"I don't need you looking out for me, I can take care of myself." I say, glaring at thing as I place down the item in my hand onto the desk.

"when she went to the bathroom she didn't come out. Someone took her.
Plus even if that were the case, Enid would've returned home, or sent a text."

"Who took her." Yoko asks "I'm not sure of that either but if We had to ask someone. I say we ask Ajax. I say in reply.

"Okay but.. no torture this time."  She says looking at me with a smile.

"I thought you said on the bus that I was correct for my suspicion and apologized for second guessing me."
I paused.
"Don't worry. As much as id Like too, that's against the rules of my personal law. He's not a suspect..yet."

*RINGGG* Ajax closes his locker only too be frightened by both Yoko and Wednesday standing right behind it. "Where did you go last night after you left the party." I ask almost immediately.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asks "answer the question." I say, staring deep inside his eyes as they turned from confidence to fear in a matter of seconds.

Ajax looks at Wednesday, then back at Yoko "After I left the party I went to my dorm where else. Wait a minute...don't tell me You think I took her. He says as me and Yoko just look at each other, then back at Ajax. "I didn't steal your fucking girlfriend." He claims, making me tilt my head, tightening my gaze.

His tone pisses me off, as if he's higher above me. What a joke.

"What now?" Yoko turns to me "Who else would have any interest in Enid?"
"I'm not sure." Yoko says. This nagging feeling in my heart. It feels as if someone were tugging on it with a rope at the thought of something terrible happening to Enid.
Who would do something like that to a person like Enid. Someone twisted. Who do I know whose twisted.

There's my mother. But she wouldn't have any interest in taking Enid from me.

"I'm going back to my dorm." I walked away trying to hide my emotions, feeling Yokos deep stare at my back.


Maybe if I made her stop drinking she wouldn't of gone in the bathroom. I sit by her bed with my legs crossed and my hands nudging one another as thoughts of her flood my mind.

After being bullied my entire life I never thought there would be any person to accept me for who I am. For who I wanted to be. Not my parents. Not my family.

Though it built character I didn't enjoy it. The fact nobody understood me. I thought nevermore would be like every other school. But I met someone who actually makes me enjoy my stay. I've never felt that for anyone.

She doesn't deserve this. I don't deserve her.

What the hell are you talking about. If anything she doesn't deserve you.


I slowly felt a lump in my throat. I haven't felt that lump in a very long time,
But I knew if I were to start talking

I'd cry. 

*No ones POV*

Wednesday was Overcome with emotions. Constantly blaming herself for what happened even if it wasn't her fault. All the guilt and hatred she feels causes her to feel tears flood her eyes. As much as she tried blinking them away or calming down, they would leave.

Her head felt heavy and hot.

She stops fighting the urge. She felt Enid deserved tears. Damn it.

As they fell down her cheeks of her emotionless face it made her feel uncomfortable. It made her feel worthless. She knew she had broken her promise of "keeping Enid safe." But there wasn't anything she could do.


Another person came from behind me. This one's a girl?

"Where is Addams?! WHO IS THIS?" She yells at the man.
"She was the only one in the bathroom. You said take the one in the bathroom!" He says causing the woman to sigh and turn back to me.

"Who is she?" She asks "Enid."  "Her roommate?" "Yes."

  "Hello Enid. I've been watching you two for a while now."

"Who are you?" I ask as calm as I can even though I'm having a total breakdown right now. "Oh you know I can't tell you that." She says putting her hands on my shoulder and leaning close to my face.

I can tell she's smiling            I feel like I'm gonna be sick

1097 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora